- 网络flat spacetime

Dirac equation has been established in the initial purpose of solving the negative energy and negative probability problems of particles satisfied the Klein-Gordon equation in flat spacetime .
Action-at-a-distance electrodynamics in flat spacetime
It is found that the value of Stefan-Boltzmann constant in curved space-time is different from that in Euclidean space-time , and the constant has different value in different space-time .
Proca equations have been mainly studied in flat space and it has been studied also in curved space during the past decades .
Motion equation of single particle in gravitational field in flat space & time
Secondly , we investigate the energy density produced by a state vector which is the superposition of three single electron states in the Dirac field in the four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime .
In relativistic astrophysics , owing to the serious curvature of space-time in the vicinity of black hole , we can have some interesting effects which are unimaginable in the flat space-time .
This formalism was then used to study the average rate of change of the atomic energy in Minkowski spacetime , and it is found that a ground-state atom in uni-form acceleration in vacuum would spontaneously excite .