
  • 网络PingDingShan University
  1. 为了解网络行为对大专五年制学生心理健康的影响,对平顶山学院师范教育学院300名学生进行了心理健康调查。

    In order to understand the influence of network behavior on the tertiary level students , normal school of Pingdingshan College conducted mental health survey among 300 students .

  2. 本文对平顶山工学院图书馆2001~2004年中文图书外借情况和藏书学科结构进行了统计和分析,并根据实际情况提出了调整方案。

    The article analysis statistics of circulated Chinese-books during the period of 2001 ~ 2004 and library 's holdings subject structure in our library , suggest some regulation method based on facts .