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  • fireside chat;fireside talk
  1. 美国总统约翰肯尼迪(JohnF.Kennedy)等了6个月,直到1961年的柏林危机(与突如其来的公众对于核战争的恐惧)才为他提供了发表首次炉边谈话的机会。

    President John F.Kennedy waited six months until the opportunity provided by the 1961 Berlin crisis ( and a sudden public fear of nuclear war ) for his first fireside chat .

  2. 炉边谈话这种形式,旨在寻求彼此的道德承诺和信心。

    The fireside chat was a scenario designed to ask for moral commitment and confidence in each other .

  3. GA许多课程的老师都是本地的成功企业家,有时也会请来一些重量级的“大人物”进行“炉边谈话”或专题研讨会,比如红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人鲁洛夫•博塔。

    GA uses successful , local entrepreneurs to teach many of the classes , but also brings in heavy-hitters such as Sequoia Capital partner roelof botha for " fireside chats " and workshops .

  4. 发展中国家的收入增加及经济增长意味着其影响力的加强。七国集团炉边谈话式的旧有世界格局已经不复存在。

    The old world of fireside chats among G-7 leaders is gone .

  5. 这些广播谈话后被称作“炉边谈话”,因为它们看上去就像诚恳的一对一谈话。

    They became called " fireside chats " , because they seemed like cordial one-on-one conversations .

  6. 小罗斯福是一个媒体人:他开创了炉边谈话的广播讲话形式,需要的时候他的口才甚至可以赶上丘吉尔。

    Roosevelt was a media man : he inaugurated radio fireside chats and could be as good a speaker as Churchill .

  7. 这是美国总统历史上第一次以如此亲密和非正式的形式向全国发表讲话,这次炉边谈话产生了深远的影响。

    It was the first time a President had addressed the nation in such an intimate and informal way , and it had a profound impact .

  8. 1933年3月12日,美国总统弗兰克林D·罗斯福发表了他的首次无线电广播“炉边谈话”,告诉美国人解决国家经济危机正在做的工作。

    On March 12 , 1933 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered the first of his radio " fireside chats , " telling Americans what was being done to deal with the nation 's economic crisis .