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  • furnace burden;furnace charge;burden;charging material
炉料[lú liào]
  1. 日本高炉炉料结构的新进展

    New Evolution on Blast Furnace Burden Structure in Japan

  2. 有色合金炉料质量的简便计算冲天炉熔炼的计算机优化配料

    Simplified Furnace Burden Calculation for Non-ferrous Alloy Charge The Computer Optimum Burden Calculation for Cast Iron Melted in Cupola Furnace

  3. 有色合金炉料配料计算的CAD方法

    CAD Method of Burden Calculation of Non-Ferrous Alloy Furnace Burden

  4. 基于PLC控制炉料称量小车配料系统的实现

    Realization of burdening system in weighing scale car control by PLC

  5. 炉料中添加NaCl冶炼75%硅铁试验

    Smelting test of 75 % ferrosilicon charging with a NaCl additive

  6. 用MonteCarlo法模拟矿热炉炉料的导电行为

    Monte Carlo algorithm for simulation of conductive behavior of charging stock used for submerged arc furnace

  7. 改性造纸黑液中SiO2对冶金炉料高温稳定性影响的研究

    Effect of SiO_2 in modified pulp black liquor on high temperature stability of refractories

  8. 高炉炉料喷洒CaCl2的机理作用浅析

    Brief analysis on the machanism of sinter sprayed with cacl_2

  9. 珠钢150t电弧炉炉料模型研究

    Study of the furnace material model of Zhujiang Steel 150t EAF

  10. 通过对高Al2O3炉渣来源的分析,提出控制炉料Al2O3的主要措施。

    By tracing the source of the blast furnace ( BF ) slag containing high Al2O3 , measures were then proposed to control the Al2O3 contents in BF raw charges .

  11. 介绍了国外SRC法即铬矿预还原球团的生产工艺和使用该球团冶炼炉料级铬铁的概况。

    This paper introduces the general situation of SRC process and the produced pellets being used for the production of charge chrome at overseas .

  12. JDC钼炉料产品定价方法及模型研究

    Research on Pricing for " JDC " Moly Metallurgical Product

  13. 为避免铸件表面缺陷,除控制涂料浆的粘度、SiO2含量、pH值外,还应控制型壳面层干燥的湿度并保持温度均匀,碳钢炉料和回炉料须100%抛丸清理。

    Besides controlling the viscosity of coating , SiO2 content and pH values , the humidity and uniform temperature of surface layer of mold shell should be considered in eliminating surface defects in the castings .

  14. 一种新型优质电炉炉料在高强度钢板中,超低碳烘烤硬化钢板(简称BH钢板)是新型优质汽车用薄板。

    Among high strength sheets , extra low-carbon bake-hardening steel sheet ( BH ) is a new kind of automobile sheet with sound quality .

  15. 不锈钢厂电弧炉烟尘主要由炉内高温区合金元素和组分的挥发、脱碳反应生成的CO气泡破裂所形成的金属和炉渣液滴的飞溅、被尾气直接带走的小颗粒炉料组成。

    The EAF dust at stainless steel works mainly consists of ejected liquid drops of metal and slag formed by breaking of CO bubbles produced by alloy elements evaporation and decarburization reaction and small particles of charging exhausted with waste gas .

  16. 采用合理的炉料结构,如低MgO烧结矿配加菱镁石块工艺,高MgO烧结矿配加酸性球团矿工艺等均可改善烧结矿的高温软熔性能。

    To improve the softening-melting properties of the sinter , the structure of furnace charge is suggested to change reasonably , mixing the low-MgO-content sinter with magnesite or high-MgO-content sinter with acidic pellet .

  17. 石钢50t电弧炉炼钢炉料结构对电耗的影响

    Effect of Charging Structure on Electric Power Consumption of a 50 t Arc furnace at Shijiazhuang Iron and Steel

  18. MBR块矿的各项冶金性能较好,与烧结矿组成的综合炉料在高炉内的同化过程开始温度和结束温度均较高,但同化速度相对减慢。

    Brazilian MBR lump ore has excellent metallurgical property , and both its beginning and ending temperatures of assimilation during melting are higher , however the assimilation velocity becomes a little slower .

  19. 通过调查研究和配料计算,提出珠钢150t电弧炉冶炼在保证钢水质量前提下的炉料模型。

    After investigating , studying and calculating , the burden model on liquid steel quality of Zhu jiang Steel 150t EAF is put forward .

  20. 通过软熔带对高炉冶炼过程影响的数学模型研究,建立高炉内煤气流动的二维轴对称数学模型得到了倒V型软熔带附近的气体流动及其炉内炉料温度分布。

    The paper studies influence of blast furnace smelting process caused by cohesive zone through the numerical simulation of the gas flow around the cohesive zone of blast furnace and the temperature of charging inside blast furnace what carried out by a two-dimensional axial symmetry mathematical model .

  21. 论文虽以JDC钼炉料产品为背景,但其定价方法和模型对同类企业也具有一定的参考价值。

    Though this dissertation used JDC Moly Metallurgical Products as the background , the price setting model and methodology would have a certain reference value to the similar enterprises .

  22. 论述了低渣比冶炼锰硅合金的条件和操作要点,阐明了炉料中Al2O3与电炉工艺参数、焦炭粒度之间的相互关系及其对电耗等指标的影响。

    It discusses the operation condition and keys in melting silicomanganese with low slag ratio . It also expresses the mutual relation of Al2O3 in charging with technological parameter of furnace , coke particle size and its effect on index , such as electricity consumption and so on .

  23. 炉料吸附碱金属的含量随其粒度的增大而减小,炉料平均粒度从11mm增大到17mm时,碱金属含量从1.3%下降到0.3%。

    It decreases with increasing the charge size when the charge size decreases from 17 mm to 11 mm and the content of alkali metals absorbed increases from 0.3 % to 1.3 % .

  24. 当在炉料中配加30%优质生铁,钢中(As+Sn)含量为0029%时,经580℃6000h时效后,室温冲击功为185J,满足标准要求。

    While ( As + Sn ) content was 0.029 % by adding 30 % quality pig iron in charging , the ambient impact energy of steel after aging at 580 ℃ for 6 000 h was 185 J to meet the standard requirement .

  25. 干熄炉料钟布料焦炭粒度分布的研究

    Study on coke size distribution in bell-type charging in CDQ shaft

  26. 鞍钢球团生产工艺的发展与高炉炉料结构的进步

    Development of Pellet Production Technique and BF Burden Structure in Angang

  27. 高炉中心装焦的炉料分布数学模型

    Burden distribution mathematical model on center coke charging of bell BF

  28. 初渣的生成与炉料的种类有关。

    The formation of primary slag is related with charge structure .

  29. 高炉无料钟布料炉料分布预测模型的开发研究

    Mathematical model of burden distribution for bell-less top of blast furnace

  30. 高碳铬铁冶炼中的炉料粘结及其控制

    Burden cohesion and its controlment in SMELTING HIGH CARBON FeCr