
  1. 文王之子武王姬发领导周朝民众,发起了对商朝的反抗。

    King Wen 's son King Wu ( Ji Fa ) led the Zhou in a revolt .

  2. 后来,姜尚辅佐文王,兴邦立国,还帮助文王的儿子武王姬发,灭掉了商朝,建立了周朝。

    Jiang helped Ji Chang and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty .

  3. 他们到周国的时候姬昌已经死了,而姬发带着兵正准备去讨伐纣王。

    When they arrived , Ji Chang had died and Ji Fa was leading the troops to attack King Zhou .

  4. 周武王姬发是在中国历史上,第一个被称为天子的人。

    Jifa , king Wu of Zhou Dynasty , was the first person known as the emperor in the history of China .