
The Discussion on Drainage System Plan Question in New Countryside Construction
Study on Planning Project on Drainage Systems in Jishan County Area
Drainage System Layout of Urbanization
The second part focused on the research of optimizing model of polder control of waterlogging and it 's computation .
The planning will reach coordination and manipulation through interest harmony , administrative system , equity in environment and so on .
The simulation tool was applied in Shenzhen City to assess the water environmental impact of the sewer system planning scenario .
An Optimization Model of Large System and its Solution in Planning of Drainage System for Preventing Waterlogging of Four-Lake Polder Area , Hubei Province
Nowadays , when sewage further treatment and super advanced treatment technology has become more applicable , urban wastewater should be reconsidered as valuable fresh water resource whilst proceeding general city plan and water supply and sewerage system plan .
The features of natural soil profile of rice field and the significances of steady flow rate in the profile for the growth of rice , water management of rice fields , planning and designing of drainage project and evaluation of agricultural ecosystem are discussed .
Besides , all catchments have to been calibrated through computer simulation methods . Secondly , with analysis of the domestic and foreign theories and standards of stormwater system planning and design , the thesis presented stormwater network system evaluation framework and studied on evaluation flow and content .
This paper discusses the relation between urban drainage pipe systems planning and GIS .
Study on Layout Design of City 's Drainage Pipeline System
The Optimization Study on Water Reuse System Planning Integrated with Water Supply and Drainage System
Optimization of planning for drainage system in plain polder area based on experimental genetic algorithm
Optimization of planning for drainage system in plain polder area is a complicated multi-dimensional non-linear optimizing problem .
In compiling a sewer system program in downtown area , the problems deal with the planning and design of sewer network in old township districts in south east seashore area were discussed .
A complete , rational layout of the drainage system planning is the guiding document of the next number of years , sewage pumping stations , wastewater treatment plant and the construction of the pipeline system .
The comparisons of the calculation results of an example show that comparing with the dividable programming method and simple genetic algorithm , the proposed method is more strictly subject to the limited space of variables and more easy to be used and having better optimizing efficiency .
Planning and Design Principles of Separating the Combined Sewer System in Hangzhou Urban Area
How to make up the fittest layout planning of drainage pipeline system for a city ;
In order to build a green ecological campus , water supply and drainage of reclaimed water in a new university campus of jiangsu were planed and studied .
Based on the 3R principles for circular economy and water balance calculating , water consuming and drainage system were analyzed and marked out .
The urban design rainstorm and urban rainfall runoff calculation model is the basic theory of the town rainfall drainage system design and checks , administration and planning , rainfall runoff pollution prevention and so on .