
chǐ cun
  • size;dimensions;measurement;a little;magnitude;short or narrow
尺寸 [chǐ cùn]
  • (1) [a little]∶比喻面积较小

  • 思厥先祖父,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺寸之地。--苏洵《六国论》

  • 尺寸之功

  • 尺寸之利

  • (2) [short or narrow]∶比喻短窄

  • 尺寸千里

  • (1) [measurement;size]∶ 尺和寸

  • 衣服不够尺寸,穿着短一截

  • (2) 分寸

  • 小孩子说话得有个尺寸

尺寸[chǐ cun]
  1. 我想请您给我量一下我的胸围尺寸。

    I want you to take my chest measurement .

  2. 羊毛衫CAD中尺寸缩放的研究与实现

    The Studying and Realizing of Measurement Pantograph on Woolen Sweater CAD

  3. 买尺寸大点的更实惠。

    It would be more economical to buy the bigger size .

  4. 有三种尺寸——小号、中号和大号。

    There are three sizes ─ small , medium and large .

  5. 玻璃可以切割成你要的尺寸。

    The glass can be cut to size for you .

  6. 较大尺寸的最划算。

    Larger sizes give the best value for money .

  7. 这间屋子的准确尺寸是长3.20米,宽2.84米。

    The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84 .

  8. 你知道自己的尺寸吗?

    Do you know your measurements ?

  9. 用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。

    Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size .

  10. 我们不得不放大图像的尺寸。

    We have to expand the size of the image .

  11. 用直尺比照着,将布料裁剪成合适的尺寸。

    Using the straight edge as a guide , trim the cloth to size

  12. 你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来。

    You measure yourself , enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern

  13. 付4.8英镑冲印更大尺寸的照片就会获赠一本相册。

    Pay £ 4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album

  14. 各种外形和尺寸的自行车都有。

    Bikes come in all shapes and sizes

  15. 她卖不掉它,一来是由于尺寸用起来不方便。

    She was unable to sell it , because for one thing its size was awkward

  16. 标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。

    Full-size tripods can be awkward , especially if you 're shooting a low-level subject .

  17. 每根木材都被刨平了,切割成一定尺寸,并涂上了雪松防腐剂。

    Every piece of timber was planed , cut to size and stained with cedar preservative .

  18. 每面镜子都是定制的,几乎可以设计成任何形状和尺寸。

    Each mirror is made to order and can be designed to almost any shape or size .

  19. 找到一块颜色、尺寸和价格都符合你要求的毛毯几乎是不可能的。

    Finding a rug that 's just the colour , size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible .

  20. 宽度也是一种线性尺寸。

    Width is a linear dimension , too .

  21. 这是照那件衣服的原尺寸而缝制的。

    It was made in the size of the clothes .

  22. 我们对包含各种尺寸的报价感兴趣。

    We are interested in an offer of assorted sizes .

  23. 裁缝量了我的尺寸准备为我做套新衣服。

    The tailor took my measure for a new suit .

  24. 这块木板尺寸正好。

    This board is just the right size .

  25. 裁缝给我量了做套装的尺寸。

    The tailor measured me for a suit .

  26. 他办事很有尺寸。

    He does everything very properly .

  27. 换句话说,比较仪不过是将磨损部分的尺寸与标准的基准部分进行比较而已。

    In other words , the comparator merely compares the dimension of the worn part with the standard reference part .

  28. 数百年来,这座金字塔的实际尺寸一直困扰着学者们,因为“超过21英亩的坚硬白色围石”原本覆盖在这座金字塔上,但很久以前就被移走了。

    The pyramid 's exact size has puzzled experts for centuries , as the " more than 21 acres of hard , white casing stones " that originally covered it were removed long ago .

  29. 因为销售策略从“大尺寸”向“更多买家”转变,快餐商家需要维持一天的高客流量。

    As fast-food companies shift from " super size " to " more buys " , they need to keep customer traffic high throughout the day .

  30. 用尺寸更小的盘子。大碗和大盘子容易使我们变胖。

    Downsize the dishes . Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat .