- 网络Dimensional stability;Dimension stability;size stability;DIMENTIONAL STABILITY

The test results showed that the heat resistance and dimensional stability of DSP cord were better than those of modified nylon cord ;
Approach to the CCA Treated Poplar ( 1-214 ) Wood in Dimensional Stability
Application And Development of Titanium Based Dimensionally Stable Anode For Oxygen Evolution
The DM membrane possesses fairly good selectivity , chemical stability and scale stability .
And DSP cord tire had better dimension stability and uniformity , but somewhat poorer handling quality and tread life .
The results showed that the range of shrinkage of PC is 0.003-0.008 . The better the fluidity of PC , the bigger its shrinkage .
Because of good transparency , dimensional stability , electrical insulating and processing performance , polystyrene ( PS ) has wide applications .
Effect of alloy composition and sintering parameters on the dimensional stability of PIM products
Among piston materials Al-Si alloys are becoming dominant gradually due to their better specific strength and shape stability .
Polyimides ( PI ) especially aromatic polyimides have excellent properties of resistance to abrasion , thermal stability , radiation resistance , high dimensional stability .
The results show that the performances such as producibility and dimensional stability of PPS radome are superior to that of PTFE radome .
Under a wide range of P and V value , there are very low friction coefficient and wear , high dimensional stability for coating-metal pairs and no any damage during the test of nylon coating .
After comparing ZnO quantum dots using different zinc salt , it is found that the ZnO quantum dots prepared by zinc chloride have the fine size and good luminescence .
The addition of inorganic filler into POM can improve its stiffness , depress its cost and increase its size stability in processing .
PEEK of plate of rigid larger size stability , good linear expansion coefficient , small , very close to the metal aluminium materials ;
The dimensions of U_3Si-Al and UO_2 - Al are stable under irradiation , but U-2 ( wt ) % Zr changed at maximum burn-up .
Polycarbonate ( PC ) is commonly used as a high-performance amorphous engineering thermoplastic dues to its outstanding properties , including high impact strength , transparency , heat resistance , dimensional stability , and excellent electrical properties .
By introducing the nano-montmorillonite or rare earth of naphthenic acid etc. , the strength , the stability of size and the heat resistance of MC nylon are obviously reinforced ;
There 's no dimension change in In-Ceram all-ceramic crowns during the firing cycle .
The influences of alloying elements ( Zn , Mg , Cu , Ti and Zr etc ) and heat treatment processing are studied and measurements of its physical properties and dimentional stability are also made .
High volume fraction SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites have been widely used in aviation , aerospace , electronic packaging and other fields because high stiffness , low thermal expansion coefficient and well dimensional stability .
The usage of polyamide 6 ( PA6 ) is limited by some drawbacks , such as high moisture absorption , low dimensional stability and low thermal degradation temperature .
Pointed out that PTT has good workability , mechanical properties , thermoplasticity extensibility , high elasticity size stability and dye-ability , and would take good application prospect .
Polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) has been widely applied as a textile and industrial material owing to its high strength , high rigidity , excellent heat resistance and dimensional stability etc. However , PET fiber is thermoplastic and flammable .
As a matter of fact , virgin poly ( ethylene terephthalate )( PET ) is also limited to apply as an engineering plastic for injection moulding due to its low crystallization rate , long crystallization period and inferior dimensional stability .
Medium density fiberboard ( MDF ) has been widely used due to the peculiarities of higher static load strength , dimensional stability , good watertight capacity and so on .
But comparing to metal , owing to MC its low strength , modulus and heat distortion temperature , bad size stabilization , and high notch sensitivity , the usefulness of MC nylon is still limited .
PEEK plank not only heat resistance than other high temperature resistant plastic is excellent , and has high intensity , the high modulus , high fracture toughness and good size stability ;
Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability
Effect of the Ratio of Two Blowing Agents HAP and DME on the OCF Foaming and Foam Dimensional Stability