
pái zhǎng
  • platoon leader
排长 [pái zhǎng]
  • [platoon leader] 民兵或部队中率领一排战士的军官

排长[pái zhǎng]
  1. 看见排长回来了,大家赶忙迎上去。

    Seeing the platoon leader returning , everybody rushed up to meet him .

  2. 今晚排长带班。

    The platoon leader will lead the patrol tonight .

  3. 克莱尔坐在前排长木椅上。

    Claire sat in the front pew .

  4. B:只有两个,不像你,聘任书排长队了。

    B : I got only two offers . Not like you , offers are lining up .

  5. ,wouldlike(想要),prefer(宁愿,想要),mean(打算),intend(想要)等:老师不希望有任何学生掉队。他们不愿意处处都要排长队。

    Teachers don 't want there to be any students lagging behind . They hate there to be long queues everywhere .

  6. 亚历克斯上校历任:第8步兵师第4工兵营F连排长兼主任参谋和第12工兵营B连指挥官;

    Colonel Dornstauder 's assignments include : Platoon Leader and Executive Officer , F Company , 4th Engineer Battalion and Commander , B Company , 12th Engineer Battalion , 8th Infantry Division ;

  7. 排长们在营房广场上整顿队伍。

    Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square .

  8. 对排长队买票大发牢骚。

    In a grouch about the long line for tickets .

  9. 士兵向营区与自己的排长报到。

    Enlisted men report to barracks and your platoon leaders .

  10. 许多人排长队加油、购买日用品。

    Many people waited in long lines to buy gas and groceries .

  11. 疲惫的士兵们跟在他们排长后面拖沓行走。

    The tired soldiers trailed along behind their platoon leader .

  12. 尽管东京拥有超过16万家的餐厅,但餐厅外面排长队的情景依然随处可见。

    Although Tokyo has some 160000 restaurants , long queues are not uncommon .

  13. 如果排长能看到你,敌人也可以。

    If the Platoon Sergeant can see you , so can the enemy .

  14. 排长吹响了午餐哨。

    The platoon leader sounded the whistle for lunch .

  15. 他们不愿意处处都要排长队。

    They hate there to be long queues everywhere .

  16. 那你们没有排长了?

    So , you 're without a platoon leader ?

  17. 女生排长随车陪送我们来到了益都火车站。

    We went to Yidu Railway Station accompanied by the woman platoon leader .

  18. 学生们排长队购买教材。

    The students queued up to buy the textbooks .

  19. 排长把他的部队散开到路的两边。

    The platoon leader deployed his men on both sides of the road .

  20. 排长队等候,就是说人很多。

    There 's always a long waiting line .

  21. 在这个世界上,我从来没有看到加油站有排长队的现象。

    I never saw a long queue in any gas station in the world .

  22. 飞机延时、排长队、黎明航班,这些都让机场成了令人厌倦、感到疲乏的地方。

    Delays , queues and dawn flights can make the airport a wearisome place .

  23. 美国人如何排长队献血。

    How Americans lined up to give blood .

  24. 他们还说,要排长队领取食物和其他用品。

    They also reported that there were long lines for food and other supplies .

  25. 我正好路过那里,但是你正在排长队。

    I sailed right through , but you were standing in a long line .

  26. 你想避免大排长龙。

    You want to avoid long lines .

  27. 军校毕业之后我当排长,然后我当连长。

    After I got out of the military academy , I was a platoon leader .

  28. 他恨不得跑到将军面前,要求上前沿去当个排长。

    If only he could go up to Cummings and ask for a front-line platoon .

  29. 住在附近的人常常排长队购买它家有名的果汁冰淇淋。

    People live aside usually go line up to buy its well-known juice ice cream .

  30. 孙排长现在是侦探伸手按了铃。

    Lieutenant Sun , now a detective , raised his hand and pressed the bell .