
  • 网络Infantry;infantry company
  1. 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。

    The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company

  2. 与步兵连相应的骑兵单位。

    A cavalry unit corresponding to an infantry company .

  3. 收割者发射D-8爆破弹将几只蟑螂炸蒸发了,但大多数的人的总称步兵连却也被毒爆虫给歼灭了。

    D-8 demolition charges from the reapers vaporize several roaches while most of the Terran infantry are annihilated by banelings .

  4. 1948年,沙龙在阿以战争期间指挥一个步兵连,当时他只有20岁。

    Mr. Sharon was 20 when he commanded an infantry company during the Arab-Israeli War in 1948 .

  5. 这些个异化虫轻易地被歼灭了,人的总称的步兵连顺势将虫族抵御者逼往虫族基地深处。

    These are dispatched easily and the Terran infantry push the Zerg defenders deep into their own base .

  6. 回来,他马上到连队要求调到步兵连去,正好步兵连需要人,就批准了他。

    On his return he went straight to company headquarters and asked to be transferred to an infantry company , and his request was granted .

  7. 到达目的地后,一个由坦克伴随的步兵连从西南向东北沿着苏军的阵地清除敌军,并且让部署在勒尼那瓦近地的前锋,加入这支战斗群。

    Having reached the objective , one rifle company reinforced with tanks attacked along the Russian position from southwest toward northeast cleaning it and allowing the vanguard , deployed near of leninawa , to join with the bulk of the combat group .

  8. “我在步兵七连,直到一九一八年六月,我刚才就知道我以前在哪儿见过您的。”

    " I was in the seventh infantry until June nineteen-eighteen . I knew I 'd seen you somewhere before . "