
bù fú
  • stride;pace
步幅[bù fú]
  1. 她开始加快步子,但他加大了步幅跟着她。

    She began to walk faster , but he lengthened his stride to keep up with her

  2. 结果显示,在相同速度5km跑的过程中,运动员采取主动减小步幅的跑法,其心率均值显著低于采取主动加大步幅的跑法。

    The result shows that during the 5km running at the same velocity , the athlete using the method of positively decreasing stride length , the average value of their heart rate is significant lower than that of athletes using the method of positively increasing stride length .

  3. 在ICA算法中,迭代公式中步幅的选择是至关重要的。

    On ICA algorithm , choosing the step of iterative formula is great important .

  4. 400m全程跑过程中步幅变化幅度不大,造成400m跑减速现象的最主要的直接原因是运动员在后程无法保持较高的步频。

    The reason of the speed decline is because athletes could not maintain the pace .

  5. 根据大学女生身体素质的特点和短跑技术结构,探讨从改进起跑技术、加大步幅和提高速度耐力这3个方面来提高大学女生100m跑的成绩,并对此进行了实践研究。

    Based on the physical constitution of college girl students and sprint technicality , the author made a practical study on how to improve the 100 meter race speed of college girl students . This training method includes development of strength , tenacity and speed endurance and improving starting technique .

  6. 步幅常数型随机算法收敛性分析

    Studies on the Convergence of Stochastic Algorithm for the Constant Step Size

  7. 一种基于步幅长度及频域特征的步态识别方法

    A Gait Recognition Method Based on Step Length and Frequency Domain Characteristics

  8. 现在有篇研究是关于音乐与走路者步幅的关系。

    Now comes a study on music and the steps of walkers .

  9. 这是由于你前进的步幅有所增加的缘故。

    It is your stride length that has increased .

  10. 飞奔时,平顺且步幅非常大。

    The gallop is smooth and exceptionally long striding .

  11. 不仅是节拍影响走路者的步幅。

    It 's not just the beat that affects a walker 's pace .

  12. 缩短步幅,使您的脚尽量离地低一些。

    Try to keep your feet low to the ground with shorter strides .

  13. 实验对象利用踏步机记录所走的长度,科学家则测量他们的步幅长度以及新陈代谢的程度。

    While the subjects logged miles on the , the scientists measured their stride and

  14. 价格改革的标志和步幅

    The Desirable Indicator and Pace for Price Reform

  15. 研究表明当一个人的奔跑速度提高时,他的步幅也会同时变得更长。

    Research has shown that stride length alone increases when an individuals running speed increases .

  16. 此外行进时将步幅加大,可以节省体力。

    March forward in addition will tread an enlargement , can save the physical strength .

  17. 各类步幅在受伤概率方面没有明显的区别。

    There was no significant difference in injury rate for most of the foot-strike types .

  18. 但是西方援助国所要求的步幅对于很多普通的非洲人来说,还是不够快速的。

    But the pace demanded by Western donors isn 't fast enough for many ordinary Africans .

  19. 其主要特点是能根据外界环境变化自动调整步幅、步速等参数。

    Its main feature is that it can tune the parameters automatically according to the circumstance .

  20. 助跑最后一步,步幅不开阔,动作幅度较小。

    Run-up the last step , stride is not open , move to a lesser extent .

  21. 保持低速:减少跑步步幅,保持双脚与地面的低距离。

    Stay Low : Shorten your running stride and keep your feet lower to the ground .

  22. 速度的增加和步幅的大小没有绝对的相关关系。

    There is no absolute correlation between the increase of the speed and the size of the steps .

  23. 随着速度加快,步频加快,步幅加大,单位能耗增加。

    Along with quickening speed , walking frequency and length was improved , unit energy expenditure increased accordingly .

  24. 小跑时,步态自如、流畅、有力、协调,有充分的步幅。

    When trotting , gait is free , smooth , powerful and well coordinated , showing good reach .

  25. 黑龙江长跑运动员不同跑速下步频与步幅的研究

    The Research of the Step Frequence and the Stride for Long Distance Running Athletes Under Different Speed of Heilongjiang

  26. 实验对象在一片空地上听着音乐,同时有传感器记录他们的步幅和步频。

    As subjects listened , they walked around an open field wearing sensors to measure stride length and timing .

  27. 您是否认为厚底弹力跑鞋可以麻痹跑步者导致步幅过大?

    Runner 's World : Do you think that thick , cushioned shoes lull runners into taking a too-long stride ?

  28. 助跑后程速度及步幅步频与跳远成绩的关系研究

    Analysis on the Relationship between the scores and the Final Speed of Assistance Run-Up and Stride and Speed in Long Jump

  29. 结果表明:在由阅读者自由控制文本显示速度的情况下,随着移动步幅与显示窗口长度的增加,阅读速度和阅读效率也相应提高;

    The results showed that reading speed and reading effciency increased with the increment of jump step and display window length ;

  30. 优秀组通过高步频、短步幅的方法实现输出功率总量的提高;

    The advanced group achieved the increase of total quantity parameter output through the high pace , short stride width method ;