
  • 网络Infantry;infantry division;Infanterie-Division
  1. 在一座木头房子里附近的Vorponovo,十一名的第71届步兵师是庆祝圣诞节。

    In a wooden house near Vorponovo , eleven men of the71st Infantry Division were celebrating Christmas .

  2. 分散驻守在韩国17个地方的陆军第二步兵师的1.6万名士兵列装了各类装甲车和武装直升机。

    The16,000 soldiers of the Army's2nd Infantry Division are armed with a full array of armor and attack helicopters in17 locations in South Korea .

  3. 亚历克斯上校历任:第8步兵师第4工兵营F连排长兼主任参谋和第12工兵营B连指挥官;

    Colonel Dornstauder 's assignments include : Platoon Leader and Executive Officer , F Company , 4th Engineer Battalion and Commander , B Company , 12th Engineer Battalion , 8th Infantry Division ;

  4. 这套开发用于网络联系第四步兵师各梯队的数字系统逐渐发展成为了陆军战场指挥系统(简称ABCS)。

    The suite of digital systems developed to network and interlink the various echelons of the4ID evolved into the Army Battle Command System ( ABCS ) .

  5. 综述了国产EB摩托化倾向的隐患和智能助力型EB的优越性;摩托化步兵师岛上城市进攻战斗战场管理问题研究

    The hidden trouble of homemade EB 's motorization , as well as the advantages of intelligent power supporting EB were discussed . The Battlefield Management Research about Motorized Infantry Division 's Launching the Offensive Against the City in Island

  6. PTL02轮式坦克歼击车装备使用一门105毫米线膛炮被中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展用于新的轻型(快速反应)机械化步兵师。

    The PTL02 wheeled assault tank destroyer armed with a105mm rifled gun was developed by NORINCO for the PLA new light ( rapid reaction ) mechanised infantry divisions .

  7. 二个山地步兵师被派往该地区。

    Two mountain infantry divisions are being sent to the area .

  8. 这间屋子中有我们的第一步兵师。

    We 've got the First Infantry Division in the house .

  9. 他们现在已经击溃第28步兵师及第4师。

    They 've overrun the28th infantry and elements of the4th .

  10. 上校指挥第四步兵师的一个旅。

    The Colonel commanded a brigade of the4th infantry division .

  11. 同时独立的机械化师和步兵师属坦克营也开始组建。

    Separate mechanized divisions and tank battalions for infantry divisions were also formed .

  12. 我会增加两辆多余的坦克和无所事事的步兵师。

    I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around .

  13. 他们均来自第五步兵师。

    They were all from the 5th infantry division .

  14. 次日,从克里米亚-特查尔梯开来的步兵师也到达了。

    The following day arrived the infantry divisions advancing from Krim and Tschaltir .

  15. 参加这次的演习有来自一个摩托化步兵师的1万多名官兵。

    The exercise involves more than 10-thousand troops from a motorized rifle division .

  16. 两个步兵师留作后备军。

    Two infantry divisions were held in reserve .

  17. 好吧,我要调动我的步兵师。

    I 'm moving my infantry division .

  18. 她派赴法国的兵力最多只能有两个步兵师和一个装甲师。

    She can send to France at the most two infantry divisions one armoured division .

  19. 【军】摩托化步兵师陆海空三军的代理军官。

    A motorized infantry division a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corp.

  20. 英国第三步兵师第九步兵旅第二皇家阿尔斯特营也在战斗初期与狙击手遭遇。

    Battalion'Royal Ulster Rifles ' , part of the9.Infantry Brigade of the3.Infantry Division met snipers early .

  21. 【军】摩托化步兵师

    A motorized infantry division

  22. 陆军机械化步兵师信息化建设重点的研究

    INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING Research on Emphasis of Information Technology in the Mechanized Infantry Division

  23. 基于这样的认识,他们中的大多数被登记为步兵师或装甲师。

    In recognition of this fact , most of them were eventually redesignated as infantry or armored divisions .

  24. 信息化条件下步兵师山地进攻战斗指挥问题研究

    The Study of Some Problems of the Battle Command of Infantry Division in the Mountain Positions under Information Condition

  25. 单兵便携式被看到通常在步兵师和团内的炮兵部队中的反坦克组成要素。

    The man-portable version is normally found in the anti-tank element of the artillery units organic to infantry divisions and regiments .

  26. 驻韩国第2步兵师第2旅战斗队的“斯特耐克”排排长和助理旅火力支援军官;

    Stryker Platoon Leader and Assistant Brigade Fire Support Officer , 2nd Brigade Combat Team , 2nd Infantry Division , Republic of Korea ;

  27. 发言人称:今天早些时候,第二步兵师第四斯特莱克旅从陆路穿过伊拉克到达科威特。

    The4th Stryker Brigade , 2nd Infantry Division began crossing by land into Kuwait in the early hours of the morning , said a spokesman .

  28. 第一次应招入伍时他服役于德克萨斯胡德堡第四步兵师第二旅第10装甲团。

    During his first enlistment , he served with the 10th Cavalry Regiment , 2nd Brigade , 4th Infantry Division at Fort Hood , Texas .

  29. 1944年六月,该部队被编为工程旅,同时与斯洛伐克第一机动步兵师合并。

    It was later merged with the 1st Slovak ( Mobile ) Infantry Division when it was formed into a construction brigade in June of 1944 .

  30. 该剑是第一轮的这类型发射的士兵来自第25步兵师的第二斯瑞克旅战斗队,第11场炮兵团。

    The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the25th Infantry Division's2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team , 11th Field Artillery Regiment .