
gōng bīng
  • engineer;sapper
工兵 [gōng bīng]
  • (1) [engineer]∶军队中担任工程事务(如修桥、修路、排除地雷、修飞机场)的兵种

  • (2) [sapper]∶布雷、探雷和排雷的士兵

工兵[gōng bīng]
  1. 亚历克斯上校历任:第8步兵师第4工兵营F连排长兼主任参谋和第12工兵营B连指挥官;

    Colonel Dornstauder 's assignments include : Platoon Leader and Executive Officer , F Company , 4th Engineer Battalion and Commander , B Company , 12th Engineer Battalion , 8th Infantry Division ;

  2. Kravchenko是名退伍工兵,热衷军事,他拒绝将这辆装着履带,占了3.5个停车位的坦克开走。

    The enthusiast Kravchenko , a retired army engineer , is now refusing to move the vehicle , which came complete with caterpillar tracks and take up three-and-a-half normal parking spaces .

  3. 他们要求坑道工兵修桥或拆雷。

    They requested sappers to mend bridges or remove mines .

  4. 环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)在写给陆军工兵部队的书面评论中说,这些沙堤的修建可能来不及阻止石油上岸。

    In written comments to the Army Corps of Engineers , the Environmental Protection Agency said the berms might not be built in time to stop oil from hitting shore .

  5. GSA和美国陆军工兵部队也曾经为此而奋斗过。

    The GSA and the Army Corps of Engineers have struggled with that .

  6. 在冰灾抢修特殊条件下的OPGW和ADSS施工工艺你需要一件特殊工兵将那块木头修平整吗?

    The Installation Method of OPGW and ADSS in the Special Conditions of First-Aid Repair for Ice Damage Do you need a special tool to point the wood down ?

  7. CARROLL:这是willMcLain这样的士兵在密苏里Ft.Lindenwold基地训练成为作战工兵所需的一系列训练的一种。

    CARROLL : One of a series of crucial exercises soldiers like will McLain at Ft. Lindenwold Missouri to become army combat engineers .

  8. [方法]对在地下半密闭环境内7d的12名工兵作业人员的血液指标,按进驻前、中、后进行监测及重点复检。

    [ Method ] Blood samples of 12 sappers who stayed for 7 days in the underground semi-closed circumstance were analyzed before , during , and after their entering , and some of them were rechecked .

  9. 工兵们把这个人带走来吧孩子

    Guards , remove this human . Come on , kid .

  10. 工兵们急忙切断他们所能找到的一切地雷的引线。

    Engineers frantically cut every demolition wire they could find .

  11. 你需要一件特殊工兵将那块木头修平整吗?

    Do you need a special tool to point the wood down ?

  12. 克洛夫特和工兵爆破排的一个士官走了出来。

    Croft and a sergeant from the pioneer and demolition platoon stepped up .

  13. 或者是第一次世界大战的工兵等着他们的

    Or , like the World War I sappers ,

  14. 训狗工兵为战斗提供了巨大帮助。

    Canine sappers have rendered significant help in battle .

  15. 陆军工兵部队还是会来的。

    Army Corps of engineers will be through eventually .

  16. 在他们的后面,工兵冲进了反坦克壕。

    Behind them engineers filled in the antitank ditch .

  17. 美国陆军工兵兵团水道实验站简介

    Brief instruction of water experiment station of the US Army Corps of Engineers

  18. 皇家工兵团在用汽车搭建码头

    The Royal Engineers are building piers from lorries .

  19. 我们已作了记号和通知工兵。

    We marked them and called the engineers .

  20. 挖掘(挖堑壕或破坏工事)的工兵。

    A military engineer who does sapping ( digging trenches or undermining fortifications ) .

  21. 一个工兵班被留下来清除爆炸物。

    One engineers ' squad was left on the bridge dismounting the explosive charges .

  22. 陆军工兵完成的艰苦卓绝的工作。

    Truly heroic work by army engineers .

  23. 我们做了极大努力加速炮兵及工兵部队的建设。

    We made every effort to step up the building of our artillery and engineer corps .

  24. 伊利诺斯河工兵部队业务经理麦克·塞博纳说道。

    said Mike Zerbonia , operations manager for the Army Corps of Engineers on the Illinois River .

  25. 工兵们又成了制砖工人。砖头烧成以后,就搬到“花岗石宫”下边来了。

    The miners became brickmakers again , then the bricks were brought to the foot of Granite House .

  26. 我的工兵埋设了一枚反步兵地雷又自己把它触发了!这是怎么回事?

    My engineer laid an antipersonnel mine and was blown up by it ! How can that be ?

  27. 应尽一切可能建立和扩充各地的炮兵和工兵。

    Everything possible should be done to organize and expand the artillery and engineer units in all areas .

  28. 上周,美国陆军工兵部队在密苏里州的土结构防洪堤炸开一个3公里宽的口子。

    Last week , the Army Corps of Engineers exploded a three-kilometer-wide hole along an earthen levee in Missouri .

  29. 军用钢结构便桥是保障作战部队快速克服江河、沟渠障碍的工兵装备。

    The steel structure temporary bridge for military use is the engineer equipment that ensure operations surmounting moats , rivers .

  30. 赴苏丹达尔富尔工兵分队在被认为无法打井的地方打出13眼水井。

    The Chinese engineering units to Darfur , Sudan , dug 13 wells in areas where well digging was deemed impossible .