
ɡōnɡ yè fèi qì
  • industrial waste gas
  1. 工业废气年排放量的灰色GM(1,1)预测

    Gray GM ( 1,1 ) Forecast of Annual Discharged Industrial Waste Gas

  2. 挥发性有机物(VOC),主要来源于建筑材料、室内装饰材料、生活和办公用品及室外工业废气等,对人类健康的危害正得到人们越来越多的重视。

    Volatile organic compounds ( VOC ), which is mainly from building materials , indoor decoration materials , life and office supplies , outdoor industrial waste gas , and so on , have attracted increasing attention since it influences human health .

  3. 工业废气必须妥善处理。

    Industrial exhaust must be well treated .

  4. 含氮氧化物(NOX)工业废气治理

    Treatment of Containing NOX Commercial Waste Gas

  5. 在此阶段内,兰州市的工业废气排放量是随着人均GDP的增长而逐渐减少的。

    At this stage , the industrial emission in Lanzhou is gradually reduced with the per capita GDP growth .

  6. 本文提出了低分压变压吸附回收工业废气中CO2的新方法,并对其工艺进行了介绍。

    The new method of recycling of CO_2 by low partial pressure-rtansfer pressure absorption was put forward and its process was also introduced .

  7. 阐明了从合成气和各种工业废气中分离和精制CO在开发C1化学技术中的重要性。

    In the development of C_1 Chemistry the significance of Separation and purification of CO from synthetic gas and a variety of industrial waste gases is elucidated .

  8. TMD,怎么不严打汽车尾气,工业废气。

    Why don 't they go after car exhaust or industrial pollution ? '

  9. 5.n.排放(物)重点城市工业废气排放及处理情况6.vt.摧毁,完全根除

    Industrial waste gas emission and treatment by key city

  10. 本文用FTIR研究工业废气中主要物质的红外吸收光谱特性,确定光谱分析时废气各组分的特征红外频率。

    In this paper , many common gaseous products in industry were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and their characteristic spectral bands in the IR absorption regions of the spectra were identified .

  11. 臭氧(O3)是影响植物生产力最主要的空气污染物之一,随着工业废气和汽车尾气排放量不断增多,O3浓度逐渐升高,这将对农作物产生非常不利的影响。

    Ozone ( O3 ) is one of the uppermost air pollutants that influence plant productivity . With the increasing of industrial emission and automobile exhaust , O3 concentration is gradually increasing , which will cause adverse effects on crops .

  12. 电子束辐照处理工业废气

    E - Waste Treatment of Waste Gases by Electron Beam Radiation

  13. 高温工业废气过滤除尘技术研究进展

    Research Progress in Dust Removal Technology for High Temperature Exhaust Gas

  14. 微生物法处理含硫工业废气

    Treatment of sulfur - containing waste gases by microbial technology

  15. 生物法脱除工业废气中SO2和NO的研究

    Study on Biological Removal of SO_2 and NO from Industrial Waste Gases

  16. 用软锰矿浆吸收工业废气中SO2气体的研究

    Study on SO_2 absorption from waste gases by pyrolusite slurry

  17. 工业废气二氧化碳的地下储藏研究

    Study on industrial waste gas carbon dioxide geologic sequestration UNDERGROUND

  18. 高湿度工业废气冷凝脱湿模型研究与数值模拟

    Modeling and simulation of condensation and dehumidifying of high humidity industrial exhaust gases

  19. 他们表示氢技术可减少导致全球变暖的工业废气。

    They say hydrogen technology can reduce industrial gases linked to global warming .

  20. 真空技术在工业废气处理中的典型应用

    Typical Applications of Vacuum Technology in Waste Gas Treatment

  21. 催化氧化法处理苯系物工业废气催化剂的研制

    Preparation of catalyst for treatment of waste gases containing benzenes by catalytic oxidation

  22. 工业废气中氯化氢的综合利用

    Comprehensive utilization of hydrogen chloride in industrial waste gas

  23. 工业废气连续监测系统的研究与设计

    Research on Exhaust Gas Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems

  24. 本论文设计了针对工业废气中的氯气浓度的远程监测系统。

    In this paper , has designed an industry chlorine concentration remote measurement system .

  25. 指出了含硫工业废气传统处理方法的缺陷,介绍了微生物处理方法的优势所在;

    Limitations of traditional methods in treating industrial sulfur containing waste gases are pointed out .

  26. 水泥工业废气脱氮技术

    Waste Gas De-nitrogen Technology in Cement Industry

  27. 刚果红氧化褪色光度法测定环境空气及工业废气中游离溴

    Determining Free Bromine In Air And Industrial Waste gas With Congo Red Oxidation Fading Spectropho-tometry

  28. 含硫工业废气中钢结构表面防护层研究及应用

    Study and application of surface protective coatings for steel structures in industrial sulphur bearing waste gas

  29. 快速气相色谱法测定汽车工业废气中芳烃排放量

    Determination of Emission Amount of Aromatics in Exhaust Gases from Painting Industry by Fast Gas Chromatography

  30. 脱除工业废气中微量苯系物杂质的研究进展

    The Development of The Research in Removal of Low Concentration of BTEX from Industrial Exhaust Gas