
hé shì gù
  • nuclear accident
核事故[hé shì gù]
  1. Ge(Li)γ谱仪在核事故应急监测中的应用

    Ge ( Li ) Gamma Spectrometer Applied to Urgent Nuclear Accident Monitoring

  2. 手表玻璃作为核事故剂量的ESR检测材料

    The watch glass use for ESR dosimetric material in nuclear accident

  3. 核事故剂量ESR测量方法的初步研究

    Preliminary study of ESR dosimetry for nuclear accidents

  4. 切尔诺贝利核事故泄漏~(137)Cs在苏皖地区湖泊沉积物中的蓄积及时标意义

    Accumulation and time marker significance of Chernobyl-derived ~ ( 137 ) cs in lake sediments from Jiangsu-Anhui

  5. 核事故后果评价系统中MCF模块的移植与修改

    Transplantation and Modification of MCF Model in Off-Site Nuclear Accident Consequence Assessment System

  6. 2010年经济合作与发展组织(OECD)和核能机构(NuclearEnergyAgency)联合发布的一份报告含蓄地表达了一个观点,即能源工业的核事故所导致的死亡人数不应被夸大。

    The death toll from nuclear events in the energy industry should not be overstated , a point implicitly made in a 2010 joint report by the OECD and the nuclear energy agency .

  7. 介绍了目前国内外反演核事故源项所使用的各种方法及其理论背景,其中着重介绍了国际当前流行的Kalman滤波方法及对这些方法的有关研究成果和应用;

    In this paper , the inversion methods applied to obtain the source characteristics are introduced , especially the Kalman filter method , together with related achievements and applications .

  8. 但是政府在福岛核事故发生之后的5天就采纳了它的2010-2030年整合资源规划(IRP)。

    But the government adopted its Integrated Resource Plan ( IRP ) for2010-2030 five days after the Fukushima accident .

  9. 据理特管理顾问公司(ArthurD.Little)称,在福岛核事故之前计划兴建的570个核电机组中,只有37个在危机爆发后被取消或暂停。

    Of 570 units planned before Fukushima , only 37 have been axed or put on hold since the crisis , according to Arthur D. Little , a consultancy .

  10. 2011年3月福岛(fukushima)核事故之后,日本逐步关闭了大部分核电站,因此必须进口更多的液态天然气和其他燃料来弥补。

    The country has had to import more liquefied natural gas and other fuels to compensate for the steady shutdown of most of its nuclear plants after the Fukushima accident in March 2011 .

  11. 低价的可替代能源和巨大的前期成本(更不必说最近的福岛(Fukushima)核事故暴露出的对公众健康的危害),使得近年来核能的推广举步维艰。

    The low prices of alternative energy sources and significant upfront costs not to mention the public health hazards most recently illustrated by the Fukushima incident have made nuclear power a tough sell in recent years .

  12. 在福岛核事故发生以前,中国曾计划建立数十个以法国技术为基础的更早型号的CPR-1000核反应堆,这种技术缺乏新技术具有的一些安全特性。

    Before Fukushima , China had planned to build dozens of older-model CPR-1000 reactors , based on French technology , which lack some of the safety features incorporated in newer technology .

  13. 但在周二的判决中,法官樋口英明(HideakiHiguchi)质疑相关标准是否完备。这些标准包括发电站抵抗地震和海啸的能力等。引发福岛核事故的正是地震和海啸。

    But in his ruling Tuesday , the judge , Hideaki Higuchi , challenged the adequacy of the standards , which cover things like plants ' resistance to earthquakes and tsunamis , the triggers for the Fukushima disaster .

  14. 综述了切尔诺贝利核事故以来乌克兰Schmalhausen动物研究所(SIZ)对核工厂周围隔离区(exclusionzone,EZ)的野生动物所进行的长达20年的放射生态学调查研究。

    We review 20 year long investigations by the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology on radioecological and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe for wild animals in the Exclusion Zone ( EZ ) around the nuclear plant .

  15. 对国内外若干主要的核事故后果评价系统,如美国的ARAC、日本的SPEEDI、欧共体的RODOS、中国的CRODOS等的性能进行了概述与比较。

    The quality of several main consequences assessment systems for nuclear accident such as ARAC ( USA )? SPEEDI ( Japan )? RODOS ( CE ) and CRODOS ( China ) are summarized and compared .

  16. 本文通过介绍决策支持系统的概念及其发展概况,以及国内外核事故应急决策支持系统,特别是RODOS的发展现状,讨论核事故应急决策支持系统今后发展可能存在的问题以及发展方向。

    In this paper , development of decision support system of nuclear accident and existing problems are discussed through introducing the concept and development of DSS and decision support system of nuclear accident all over the world , especially the development of RODOS .

  17. 切尔诺贝利核事故的核素释放特点和场外环境监测

    Characterization of radionuclides releases and environmental monitoring following the Chernobyl accident

  18. 核事故后果的计算机评价模式现状与新动向

    Current Status and Tendency on the Consequence Assessment for Nuclear Accidents

  19. 核电厂核事故应急情况下某些操作干预水平默认值

    Some defaults of oils under emergency conditions in nuclear power plant

  20. 核事故应急中的贝叶斯决策模型研究

    The Study of Bayes Decision Model in Nuclear Accident Emergency

  21. 核事故医学应急是整个核事故应急的重要组成部分。

    Medical emergency is an important part of nuclear accident emergency response .

  22. 核事故彻底击沉了民众对政府官员和电力公司的信任。

    The nuclear accident clobbered faith in government officials and power companies .

  23. 不过,这种前景的可能性即便是在福岛核事故发生之前,看起来就已日渐渺茫。

    Even before Fukushima , though , this was looking increasingly unlikely .

  24. 必须认真考虑发生重大核事故的风险。

    The risk of a major nuclear accident must be taken seriously .

  25. 尼日利亚没有受到福岛核事故的影响,它正在稳步推进核合作。

    Undeterred by Fukushima , Nigeria is forging ahead with nuclear collaborations .

  26. 那是自1986年切尔诺贝利灾难以来,最严重的核事故。

    It was the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl disaster in 1986 .

  27. 核事故中放射性核素扩散浓度的理论预测

    Prediction of Diffusion Concentration of Radioactive Nuclides during Nuclear Accident

  28. 核事故早期应急响应的预报模式及其设计方案

    Forecast model and its design for early emergency response to nuclear accidents

  29. 数字视频监控技术在核事故应急中的应用

    Application of the Technology of Digital Video Supervision in the Nuclear Emergency

  30. 船用堆核事故状态下源项特性及计算方法研究

    Character and calculation method of nuclear accident source term of marine reactor