
hé cí jǔ
  • nuclear magnetic moment
  1. q形变壳模型中奇A核的磁矩

    Magnetic Moments of Odd A Nuclei in q-Deformed Nuclear Shell Model

  2. 磁共振信号与所探测核的密度、磁矩和极化度成正比。

    The magnetic resonance signal is proportional to nuclear density , magnetic moment and polarization ratio .

  3. 原子核具有自旋和磁矩。因此在外磁场中核能级将发生分裂。

    Nucleoatom has spin and magnetic torque , so Nuclear-Level will split under outer magnetic field .

  4. 形变核组态混合与原子核磁矩

    The configuration mixing and the magnetic moment of strongly deformed nuclei