
hé hán shù
  • kernel function
核函数[hé hán shù]
  1. 华罗庚域上的Bergman核函数、比较定理和Einstein-k(?)hler度量

    The Bergman Kernel Function on the Hua Domain , the Comparison Theorem and Einstein-K (?) hler Metric on Super-Cartan Domain of the First Type

  2. 基于自适应更新非对称核函数的均值漂移目标跟踪。

    Mean shift object tracking based on active asymmetric kernel function .

  3. 其次,核函数和分类参数(包括惩罚系数C,核函数参数)的选择没有特别好的办法,应用时不容易找到最优的核函数和分类参数;

    Secondly , there are no good methods for the choice of optimal kernel function and parameters .

  4. 基于混合核函数PCR方法的工业过程软测量建模

    Studies on Soft Sensor Modeling Using Mixtures of Kernels PCR

  5. 基于K型核函数的支持向量机

    Support Vector Machine Based K-type Kernel Function

  6. 主要研究了适于解决高维问题的支持向量机(SVM)方法在高光谱图像分类中的应用,分析了核函数选择及参数确定问题。

    The problems of kernel function selection and parameter determination are analyzed .

  7. 基于核函数距离测度的加权模糊C均值聚类与Markov空域约束的快速鲁棒图像分割

    Fast Robust Image Segmentation Based on Weighed Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Kernel-Induced Distance Measurement and Markov Spacial Constraint

  8. 基于修正核函数的SVM分类器研究

    Support Vector Machines Classifier Based on Modifying Kernel Function

  9. 基于多个混合核函数的SVM决策树算法设计

    Designing the algorithm of SVM decision tree based on many mixture of kernels

  10. 基于核函数PCA的非线性过程实时监控方法

    On-Line Monitoring of Nonlinear Processes Based on Kernel Principal Component Analysis

  11. 混合核函数的引入,使得SVM又多了一个可调参数。

    With the introduction of mixed kernels , SVM has one more adjustable parameter .

  12. 支撑向量机(SupportVectorMachines,简称SVM)的成功引起了人们对核函数方法的兴趣。

    The appeal of kernel-based methods has been arisen in recent years by the success of support vector machines ( SVM ) .

  13. 基于Gabor特征量和核函数判决分析方法的人脸识别

    Face recognition based on Gabor features and kernel discriminant analysis method

  14. 提出了一个可行的支持向量核函数&K型核函数,由此得到了K型支持向量机。

    A new K-type kernel is proposed , and then a K-type support vector machine ( KSVM ) is obtained in this study .

  15. 本文给出了一种新的计算方法,能处理核函数衰减很慢且r很大的问题,方法简单,高效率,精度高。

    It can deal with the problems arising in the former two methods and it is a simple , efficient method with high accuracy .

  16. 深入研究了在高维多光谱数据分类中,SVM的性能与核函数类型、核函数参数、支持向量(SupportVector&SV)、训练样本数目、数据维数等之间的关系。

    The relation between the performance of SVM and kernel function , support vector , training set , data dimension and so on is studied .

  17. 基于核函数的SOM及在齿轮故障聚类识别中的应用

    Kernel Self-Organizing Maps and Its Application in Gear Failures Clustering and Recognition

  18. 实验讨论了在应用SVM算法对字符进行识别时,核函数K和惩罚因子C的选择对识别率的影响问题。

    In this experiment , the problem of the choice of kernel function and parameter C - the penalty term for misclassification is discussed .

  19. 结果显示,具有二项式(Poly-nomial)和RBF(Radialbasisfunction)核函数的SVM,其分类准确度比其他的SVM约高3%。

    The precision of classification of SVM with poly-normal and radial basis function will be about 3 % higher than that of other kernel function .

  20. 基于IPSO的混合核函数SVM参数优化及应用

    Parameter Selection and Application of SVM with Mixture Kernels Based on IPSO

  21. 域W1上的Bergman核函数

    Bergman kernel functions on domain w_i

  22. 本研究小组早期提出了对支持向量机(SVM)的多项式核函数及支持向量回归机(SVR)的Bn-splines核函数的几何修正方法。

    Our research group have proposed an information-geometrical method to modify the polynomial kernel function and the Bn - splines kernel function .

  23. 经过与线性核函数及Sig-moid核函数的对比,选用基于径向基函数(RBF)作为核函数,在分析预测误差和模型参数关系的基础上,选择了合适的参数;

    By analyzing the relationship between the error margin of prediction and the model parameters , the proper parameters were chosen .

  24. 本文针对SVM的模型、核函数的构造、SVM参数选择和孤立点检测四个方面进行了研究。

    This paper does the researches on four areas : SVM model , kernel function constructing , SVM parameter selection and outlier detection .

  25. 实验结果表明,使用一对一分类策略和RBF核函数时,可以达到较好的分类效果。

    Experimental results indicate that ' one to one ' classification strategy and RBF kernel function can reach an ideal classification effect .

  26. 基于核函数的PCA在QAR数据分析中的应用

    Application of PCA based on kernel function in analysis of QAR data

  27. 第三类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数

    The Bergman kernels on Hua domain of the third type

  28. 总结了设计支持向量回归机的模型选择方面的进展,并通过一维回归问题的计算机仿真阐述了RBF核函数的优越性以及比较验证了具有最优特性的一组模型参数。

    The computer simulation results of one-dimensional regression problems describes the advantages of RBF kernel function and a set of optimum model parameters .

  29. 其中,RBF核函数是应用最广泛的核函数,且有两个参数:惩罚因子C和核参数γ。

    The RBF kernel function is most widely used in SVM . There are two parameters in this function : the penalty parameter C and the kernel parameter γ .

  30. 自均衡类椭圆函数滤波器第三类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数

    Self-equalized pseudoelliptic filter the Bergman kernels on Hua domain of the third type