
  • 网络Bar-Ilan University;bar ilan university
  1. 美国斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)和以色列巴伊兰大学(Bar-IlanUniversity)的研究团队设计了一款可植入式的传感器,通过智能手机摄像头就可以获得它的读数。

    A team of researchers from Stanford University and Bar-Ilan University in Israel has designed an implantable sensor that can be read with a smartphone camera .

  2. 来自沙尔泽戴克医学中心和巴伊兰大学的研究人员刚刚发表了一份报告,解释了一种注入“纳米粒子”的新型滴眼液将如何替代框架眼镜或隐形眼镜。

    Researchers from the Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University just released a report explaining how a new type of eye drop infused with " nanoparticles " could replace the need for glasses or contacts .

  3. 现在巴伊兰大学任教的前政府顾问梅纳赫姆克莱恩(menachemklein)指出,以色列人和巴勒斯坦将会发现,对他们为之进行长期争斗的土地进行分割变得越来越困难。

    Israelis and Palestinians will find it increasingly hard to split the land over which they have so long fought , says Menachem Klein , a former government adviser who now teaches at Bar Ilan University .