
hé wǔ qì shì yàn
  • nuclear weapons test;testing of nuclear weapons
  1. 也有关于核武器试验的协议。

    There are also protocols on the testing of nuclear weapons .

  2. 通过发表演说,马歇尔宣布了欧洲战后经济重建计划,肯尼迪则呼吁在全球禁止核武器试验。

    Marshall used his speech to announce his plan to rebuild the postwar European economy , and Kennedy used his to argue for an international ban on the testing of nuclear weapons .

  3. 在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。

    They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests .

  4. 我们成功地进行了一次新的核武器试验。

    We have conducted a new nuclear weapon test successfully .

  5. 停止核武器试验条约小组委员会

    Subcommittee on a Treaty for the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  6. 全面彻底禁止核武器试验条约

    Treaty on the Complete and General Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  7. 当核武器试验在60年代被禁止后,碳14的含量水平便下降了。

    When testing was banned in the '60s , C-14 levels dropped .

  8. 朝鲜称其已进行了一次地下核武器试验。

    North Korea says it 's conducted an underground nuclear weapons test .

  9. 日内瓦停止核武器试验问题会议

    Geneva Conference on the Discontinuation of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  10. 例如,中国曾经批评过朝鲜的核武器试验。

    For example , China has criticized North Korea 's nuclear weapons tests .

  11. 日本在北韩于2006年进行核武器试验后对北韩进行制裁。

    Japan imposed sanctions against North Korea after it tested a nuclear weapon in2006 .

  12. 平壤上个月进行核武器试验,加剧了地区紧张。

    Tensions in the region spiked last month when Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon .

  13. 关于全面彻底禁止核武器试验条约的基本条款;

    Basic provisions of a treaty on the complete and general prohibition of nuclear weapon tests ;

  14. 此前,朝鲜分别于2006、2009、2013年进行了地下核武器试验。

    North Korea has previously conducted underground nuclear tests respectively in 2006 , 2009 and 2013 .

  15. 美国继续向朝鲜施压,要求其停止核武器试验项目。

    The US continues its pressure on North Korea to stop work on a nuclear weapons program .

  16. 印度在1998年5月进行核武器试验后,已经成为事实上的核国家。

    After its nuclear test on May 1998 , India has become a de facto nuclear weapon state .

  17. 禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸。

    Prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment .

  18. 有关制裁是2006年十月开始行使的,之前北韩进行的一项核武器试验激怒了国际社会。

    They were first imposed in October 2006 after North Korea infuriated the international community by testing a nuclear device .

  19. 由于朝鲜今年5月进行了第二次核武器试验,联合国加大了对朝鲜的制裁。

    North Korea was subjected to toughened UN sanctions this year in response to its second nuclear weapons test in May .

  20. 对奥巴马打击最严重的全球事件是2011年伊朗成功进行了核武器试验。

    The world event that had most damaged Mr Obama was Iran 's successful test of a nuclear weapon in 2011 .

  21. 朝鲜进行过两次核武器试验,并宣称已经把一些金属钚转为可制造核武器的材料。

    Pyongyang has tested two nuclear weapons and says it has turned some of its stockpile of plutonium into bomb material .

  22. 在此期间,中国还进行了导弹核武器试验,初步形成了自己的自卫核反击力量。

    During this period , China also conducted missile nuclear weapon tests , initially forming its own nuclear self-defense and counter-attack strength .

  23. 那次远程导弹试验后几个月,北韩进行了第一次核武器试验。

    That long-range test took place just a few months before North Korea conducted a test explosion of its first nuclear weapon .

  24. 我们将和我们的盟友及伙伴迫使朝鲜在停止核武器试验方面迈出新的步伐。

    And we will continue to stand with our allies and partners to press North Korea to move in a new direction .

  25. 某些专家说,韩国的现金和援助使得北韩得以顺利地在2006年10月进行第一次核武器试验。

    Some experts say South Korean cash and assistance made it easier for Pyongyang to test its first nuclear weapon in October 2006 .

  26. 印度在核武器试验后,以理性威慑为基础,以间接路线为途径,利用战略表达的形式,成功地形塑了自己的核技术。

    After its nuclear weapon test , India use the form of expression of tactic to construct its nuclear power which bases on the logos overawe and indirect way .

  27. 2000年举办首届朝韩峰会之后,朝鲜代表团访问韩国的次数越来越多,但在2006年年底朝鲜首次进行核武器试验以后,访问活动逐渐减少。

    Visits by North Korean groups to South Korea gained frequency after the first inter-Korean summit in 2000 , but they tailed off after North Korea tested a nuclear weapon for the first time in late 2006 .

  28. 半个多世纪以来,随着计算机的出现和科学技术的发展,这种方法作为一个独立的算法被提了出来,并首先在核武器的试验与研制中得到应用。

    Over the past 50 years , with the appearing of computer and the development of the science and technology , this method has been raised as a independent algorithm . It is also applied in the experiment and the development of the nuclear weapon .

  29. 核武器生产与试验的全面终止。

    The ending of all manufacture and testing of nuclear weapons .

  30. 北韩已经关闭同时也在进行拆除宁边核反应堆的工作。北韩2006年进行核武器试验用的钸就是在这里生产的。

    North Korea has shut down and is in the process of disabling the Yongbyon reactor complex that produced the plutonium for the nuclear weapon it tested in 2006 .