- 名nuclear blackmail

[nuclear blackmail] 指凭藉核武器的优势威胁恫吓(别国)
Their policy of nuclear blackmail has fallen through .
The lesson to date is that America , faced with nuclear blackmail , will bow down , dignify and fortify tyrants , fork over loot , and celebrate the process as a victory for diplomacy .
Part Two expounds American exertion of nuclear deterrence to China during the Korean War .
It is concluded that , in order to prevent nuclear war and nuclear blackmail , and safeguard world peace and the national security , Chinese must own their nuclear force .
Iran has formally complained to the United Nations that the new American nuclear policy is " nuclear blackmail " and should be considered a violation of international law .
How to avoid nuclear war without succumbing to nuclear blackmail is the overwhelming problem of our age .
It was under the circumstances of the nuclear threat and nuclear blackmail posed by the superpowers that China was forced to carry out the research and development of nuclear weapons .
Last , once North Korea has nuclear weapons , it cannot be ruled out that the capricious Kim regime will engage in nuclear blackmail against China .