
dòng hè
  • threaten;intimidate;frighten;scare;menace;terrorize;browbeat
恫吓 [dòng hè]
  • [threaten;menace;intimidate;scare] 扬言灾祸或苦难就要来临,以此威胁[某人]

恫吓[dòng hè]
  1. 当众恫吓;当众指谪;非难。

    To threaten or accuse publicly ; censure .

  2. 真理和正义主宰一切,但不是靠法律的约束,也没有什么权贵的恫吓和惩处。

    Truth and right prevailed , thought not enforced by law , no was there any in authority to threaten or to punish .

  3. 人们在恫吓之下离开家园。

    People were terrorized into leaving their homes .

  4. 恫吓将迫使他们把兵力铺得更广。

    The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces .

  5. 任何威胁说要叫警察来的话都是虚声恫吓。

    Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one .

  6. 争论激烈地进行下去;恫吓显然是经过精心策划的。

    The argument raged on and on ; the intimidation was obviously carefully planned .

  7. 然而,美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(DonaldTrump)对朝鲜武力恫吓既可能导致紧张局势升级,也可能导致韩国与中国重新修好。

    However , sabre-rattling by US president Donald Trump towards North Korea is as likely to lead to a rapprochement with China as it is to an escalation of tensions .

  8. 以色列分析员阿历克斯菲什曼(alexfishman)表示,最先透露以色列军演消息的美国政府,一直在利用以色列军事打击的威胁来恫吓伊朗。

    Alex Fishman , an Israeli analyst , says the US administration - which first leaked news of the Israeli military manoeuvres - has been using the threat of an Israeli attack to intimidate Iran .

  9. 恫吓勒索是我们大家憎恨的一种罪行。

    Blackmail is a species of crime which we all hate .

  10. 纳粹统治代表了压迫与恫吓的极点。

    The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation .

  11. 他们的信箱里充满了提出强硬要求和恫吓的信。

    Their mail was being packed with importuning or threatening letters .

  12. 他们百般恫吓,依然无效。

    They tried in vain to frighten him with threats .

  13. 半是过去的回音,半是未来的恫吓;

    Half echo of the past , half menace of the future ;

  14. 这是一个恫吓和反恫吓的可笑计谋。

    It 's a ridiculous game of bluff and counter-bluff .

  15. 独树一格的背鳍帮它们恫吓猎物

    and that extraordinary dorsal fin helps intimidate their prey .

  16. 如你没有决心干到底,就不要虚声恫吓。

    Never bluff unless you are prepared to carry through .

  17. 恨是懦夫对恫吓的报复。

    Hatred is the coward 's revenge for be intimidate .

  18. 因此,新的战争威胁被当作虚声恫吓而不予置理。

    New threats of war were therefore dismissed as bluff .

  19. 那持枪的歹徒恫吓她赶快交出钱来。

    The gunman 's threats terrified her into handing over the money .

  20. 没有人发怒,没有人哀求,也没有人说恫吓的话。

    There was no anger , no pleading , no threatening words .

  21. 敌人的恫吓没有什么了不起。

    The enemy 's bluff doesn 't amount to anything .

  22. 这不是虚声恫吓的警告,而是严肃的威胁。

    It was no idle warning but a stern threat .

  23. 我看,他这是在撒谎,再不然,就是在恫吓。

    He 's lying , I think , or bluffing .

  24. 那人恫吓要把偷东西得孩子打得皮开肉绽。

    The man threatened to beat the boy black and blue for stealing .

  25. 威胁和武力恫吓肯定会继续。

    The threats and sabre-rattling will no doubt continue .

  26. 工业和平维护人生尊严,免受危言恫吓之忧

    Peace in industry has enabled people to honor living without fear of intimidation

  27. 这个人的语气带有点恫吓腔。

    The man 's tone became slightly menacing .

  28. 我们不会采取威胁和恫吓的手段。

    There will be no threats and intimidation .

  29. 在2008年据说中国恫吓埃克森美孚和英国石油,要求其停止在中越争议水域的探测。

    In2008 China reportedly browbeat ExxonMobil and BP into stopping exploration in Vietnamese waters .

  30. 对其进行监禁的恫吓力可能会促使他们在夸大药物药效前三思而行。

    The fear of jail might make them think twice before overpromoting a pill .