
hé ɡuó jiā
  • nuclear state;nuclear power
  1. 在1945年,我们是唯一的有核国家

    And in 1945 , we were the only nuclear power .

  2. 印度是一个核国家,还将卫星送上了火星。

    And India is a nuclear power that has sent a satellite to Mars .

  3. ROSATOM指出,国际原子能机构在此前的非核国家监管了核电站的建设。

    ROSATOM points out that the International Atomic Energy Agency monitors and regulates power plant construction in previously non-nuclear countries .

  4. 印度和巴基斯坦是事实上的核国家。

    United Nations India and Pakistan are de facto nuclear powers .

  5. 超级大国和非核国家之间的差距逐渐扩大了。

    The margin of the superpowers over non-nuclear states had been widening .

  6. 不能让一纸协议来纵容伊朗跨过核国家门槛。

    An agreement cannot allow Iran to be a threshold nuclear state .

  7. 最迫在眉睫的是潜在核国家伊朗可能卷进战争。

    The immediate menace is the prospect of war with a potentially nuclear Iran .

  8. 要想消除这些威胁,有核国家必须开始削减核武器。

    To head off such threats , nuclear-armed states need to start shedding weapons .

  9. 之后的一些年间,我们一直是地球上唯一的有核国家

    And for a few years , we were the only nuclear power on Earth .

  10. 有核国家拥有核武器后便开始关注核不扩散问题。

    Those countries with nuclear weapons began to pay attention to problem of nuclear non-proliferation .

  11. 现有的核国家进行核裁军,可能会使修补该条约变得容易。

    Disarmament by the status quo nuclear powers may make it easy to patch it up .

  12. 一旦伊朗成为一个有核国家,将引发整个中东地区的核竞赛。

    Were Iran to reach nuclear status , it would spark a nuclear arms race throughout the Middle East .

  13. 巴基斯坦最近发生的恐怖袭击就提醒着人们,这个核国家面临极端主义威胁。

    The latest terror attacks in Pakistan have served as a reminder of the extremist threat to that nuclear-armed state .

  14. 我们仍将致力于尽力防止伊朗成为一个核国家。

    And we remain committed to doing all we can to try to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons power .

  15. 美国排除了与北韩进行削减军备谈判的任何可能。进行这种谈判将等于明确承认北韩是核国家。

    Washington has ruled out such arms reduction talks , which would implicitly recognize North Korea as a nuclear weapons state .

  16. 有核国家没有哪个做得如同期望的那么好,由于这次事故日本未能做到这点可能变得更加明显。

    No nuclear nation has done this as well as one might wish , and Japan 's failings may well become more evident .

  17. 在巴基斯坦看来,印度与美国签订的这一协议让印度在核武方面获得了不公平的潜在战略优势。巴基斯坦和印度都是拥核国家。

    Pakistan regards that arrangement as providing India with an unfair potential strategic advantage for nuclear weapons . Both countries possess a nuclear arsenal .

  18. 印度防长称,上个月发生的孟买袭击案不会在两个核国家间升级成战争。

    India 's defense minister , stating that last month 's militant attacks in Mumbai will not escalate into a war between the two nuclear states .

  19. 各核国家依据对各自安全形势和国际地位的看法,加紧调整自己的核战略。

    All nuclear weapon states are stepping up efforts to readjust their nuclear strategies in light of their own security environment and international status as they perceive .

  20. 另外,如果没有日美同盟(和日中关系),日本也很难应付朝鲜这个有核国家。

    Plus , it would be impossible for Japan to cope with a nuclear North Korea without a strong alliance with United States ( and China ) .

  21. 辛格表示,如果要把印度等核国家纳入其中,那么全球不扩散举措必须是全球性的、全面的和非歧视性的。

    A global non-proliferation initiative had to be universal , comprehensive and non-discriminatory if nuclear powers such as India were to be brought into the fold , Mr Singh said .

  22. 俄罗斯计划建立一个中心,为伊朗和一些潜在的有核国家提供和重新加工核燃料以防止核物质被转移用来制造武器。

    Russia has proposed setting up a center to furnish and reprocess nuclear fuel for Iran and other potential nuclear states to prevent diversion of such material for weapons purposes .

  23. 那么,如果各拥核国家在拥有以上共识并认同的话,如何实现这一令人惊喜的目标呢?可不可以照下面这样有步骤进行。

    So , if every hug nuclear-weapon states in have above consensus and agree with the words , how to achieve this amazing goal ? Can such as below step .

  24. 正是由于这个原因,我们应该共同反对北韩成为核国家,共同反对伊朗获得核武器。

    That 's why we should be united in opposing North Korea 's efforts to become a nuclear power , and opposing Iran 's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon .

  25. 更为重要的是,这将有助于实现军备控制的第二大主要目标带动其他有核国家如中国、印度、巴基斯坦和以色列也参与到核裁军中来。

    More significantly , it would help to achieve the second major goal of arms control that of engaging other nuclear weapons states such as China , India , Pakistan and Israel .

  26. 自1986年国际原子能机构首次使用安全文化概念以来,世界有核国家均广泛采用,并加以推广。

    The nuclear safety culture is used increasingly and developed by countries that have nu-clear plants all over the world , since the term " safety culture " was first introduced by IAEA in1986 .

  27. “但是只有日本在不怀好意的大放厥词,”朝鲜外交部长说。他是指日本关于不接受朝鲜作为核国家的言论。

    " But it is only Japan that expressed its wicked intention , letting loose a spate of balderdashes ," the ministry said , referring to comments that Tokyo won 't accept a nuclear North Korea .

  28. 在去年2月宣布成为核国家后,朝鲜便呼吁将六方会谈改成共同“削减军备的谈判”,暗示美国也必须裁减军备。

    After it declared itself a nuclear state in February last year , North Korea called for the six-party talks to be transformed into mutual " arms reduction negotiations " , suggesting the US must also disarm .

  29. 如果以色列袭击伊朗,将会引发整个中东地区的公众愤慨:以色列是中东地区唯一的核国家,而伊朗是穆斯林国家的一员特别是没人能够证明伊朗正在发展核武器的情况下。

    Public opinion in the region would be outraged if Israel , the only nuclear power , attacked Iran , a fellow Muslim country - particularly as no one has proved that Tehran is currently developing nuclear weapons .

  30. 这个脆弱的有核国家,仍对美国的许多战略利益至关重要&从2014年外国军队撤离之后确保阿富汗保持某种形式的稳定,到避免核武器扩散。

    The fragile , nuclear-armed state remains crucial to a number of US strategic interests , ranging from ensuring some form of stability in Afghanistan after foreign troops leave in 2014 , to preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons .