
hé xīn
  • core;heart;kernel;nucleus;pivot;centre stage;gut;pith;kern
核心 [hé xīn]
  • [core;nucleus] 中心;主要部分

核心[hé xīn]
  1. 这个队是以几名骨干队员为核心构建的。

    The team is built around a core group of players .

  2. 对环境的关注是我们政策的核心。

    Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies .

  3. 一帮反叛者从核心组织中分裂了出去。

    A rebel faction has split away from the main group .

  4. 教育正在成为政府计划的核心。

    Education is taking centre stage in the government 's plans .

  5. 罢工的核心问题是工作职位的保留。

    The central issue in the strike was the preservation of jobs .

  6. 这一法案的核心是农村发展。

    The central plank of the bill was rural development .

  7. 这首诗是对她许多著作的核心主题的概括。

    The poem encapsulates many of the central themes of her writing .

  8. 我们需要集中在核心业务上。

    We need to concentrate on our core business .

  9. 儿童在7、11和14岁时要接受核心课程的测验。

    Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7 , 11 and 14 .

  10. 是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。

    The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality .

  11. 受影响最严重的是伦敦及英国东南部的保守党核心势力地区。

    Worst-hit areas were Tory heartlands in London and the South-East .

  12. 公司越来越倾向于把像培训这样的非核心业务外包出去。

    Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training

  13. 他已经确立了自己在美国政界的核心地位。

    He has established himself as a pivotal figure in US politics

  14. 首相主持了一次核心内阁会议。

    The PM presided over a meeting of his inner Cabinet

  15. 非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。

    Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith

  16. 在所有这些闹腾的核心传递着一个严肃的信息。

    There is a serious message at the core of all this frivolity

  17. 后来他召集了他所属党派的核心领导人开会。

    Later he called a meeting of his party 's central office bearers

  18. 美国国会和媒体大都没搞清这一切的核心问题。

    The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this .

  19. 现在我们谈到了争论的核心部分。

    Here we reach the nub of the argument .

  20. 批评家们可能会认为小说的核心比喻过于简单。

    Critics may complain that the novel 's central conceit is rather simplistic .

  21. 责任和克制将是他们外交政策的核心。

    Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy .

  22. 对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。

    To him the family is the core of society

  23. 问题的核心是供求关系。

    The heart of the problem is supply and demand

  24. 因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。

    Malvolio becomes , in default of competition , the play 's moral centre .

  25. 她经济政策的核心是严格控制货币的供应。

    The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply .

  26. 他的环境政策的核心是鼓励人们购买当地产品。

    Encouraging people to shop locally is a central plank of his environment policy .

  27. 他是我们队伍的核心,对实现我的长远规划举足轻重。

    He 's the lynchpin of our team and crucial to my long-term plans .

  28. 核心人物是保守党政府内一个貌似仁和的高层人物。

    The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government .

  29. 辩证思维的核心就是二分法。

    The essence of dialectical thought is division .

  30. 调查的核心一直是对于牵涉其中的领取养老金者的关注。

    At the centre of the inquiry has been concern for the pensioners involved .