
  • 网络bound charge;bounded charge
  1. 关于推导束缚电荷密度的修改意见

    Some Suggestion of Derivation of Bound Charge Densities

  2. 但在一定的条件下,D-■仅与自由电荷有关,与束缚电荷无关。

    But under certain condition , D depends only on free charge and has no relation to bound charge .

  3. 另外,计入U、V使得电荷密度发生了重新分布,而且在缺陷及其周围格点上出现了束缚电荷;费米能级向能量升高的方向移动,并且在新的费米能级点出现了电子局域态。

    Coulomb interaction V causes the inhomogeneous distribution of charge density , Fermi energy shift to high energy position and new Localized states appears .

  4. 为了考虑入射离子的束缚电荷分布,我们将Brandt-Kitagawa的有效电荷理论推广到热靶。

    For considering the charge distribution of the electrons bound to the projectile , the theoretical model of Brandt-Kitagawa is generali-zed to the situation of hot target .

  5. 极化中束缚电荷成因的微观机制

    The Micromechanism of Contributing Factor of Fettering Charge in Polarization

  6. 油中水球静电极化束缚电荷面密度的分布

    The Distirbution of the Polarized bound Charges Surface Density on the water Ball in the OIl

  7. 采用有限元法求解得到了束缚电荷产生的电场强度在压电体内及边界上的分布,得到了迥异于线性极化的结果。

    The distribution of the electric field intensity in the piezoelectric body is obtained by the finite element method .

  8. 利用静电聚苯乙烯纳米微粒缀饰技术,在铁电晶体铌酸锂(LiNbO3)的极性表面观察到铁电畴表面束缚电荷吸附带异性电荷纳米小球所形成的衬度图像,正负电畴衬度图像清晰稳定。

    Direct observation of ferroelectric domain structures on the surface of LiNbO_3 crystal was realized using a charged nano-particle decoration technique .

  9. 从麦克斯韦方程组及矢量分析出发,推导得到了束缚电荷激发的电场所满足的偏微分方程。

    The vectorial partial differential equation which the electric field intensity satisfies is deduced by applying Maxwell equations to the situation considered .

  10. 从电位移矢量D-■的定义式可知,一般来说D-■不仅与自由电荷的分布有关,而且还与束缚电荷的分布有关。

    Knowing from the definition of electric displacement vector , generally D not only depends on distribution of free charge , but also on distribution of bound charge .

  11. 根据电场的等效原理,极化梯度的存在,不仅在压电体表面上产生等效面束缚电荷,在压电体内部同时也会有等效体束缚电荷聚集。

    In the viewpoint of electrodynamics , the equivalent bound volume charges will accumulate in the piezoelectric body in addition to the bound surface charges considering the effect of the polarization gradient .

  12. 极化了的PZT95/5铁电陶瓷在冲击波作用下发生铁电相到反铁电相的结构相变,释放出被束缚的电荷,流经外电路,形成脉冲电流。

    The poled PZT 95 / 5 ferroelectric ceramic is in ferroelectric ( FE ) phase , it can be transformed into the antiferroelectric ( AFE ) phase by shock compression , so the bound charge can be liberated into an external circuit to generate pulses of electrical current .

  13. 这种盐溶液注入另一种含有较大负电荷有机离子的溶液中,可以束缚较小负电荷离子的活动性。

    A solution of this salt is squirted into another salt solution made of large , positively charged organic ions bound to small negative ones .

  14. 交流阻抗谱法可以检测各种固体、液体内部以及它们界面的束缚和移动电荷的动力学行为。

    The impedance spectroscopy might be used to investigate the dynamics behavior of bound or mobile charge in the bulk or interfacial regions of any kind of solid or liquid materials .

  15. 复合膜中耦合相实质上是组成复合材料的两相物质界面附近被束缚的局域空间电荷效应。

    As a matter of the fact , coupling phase in composite is the effect of the bound and local space charge near the boundary of two matters com - pounding the composite .