
  • 网络Nuclear electromagnetic pulse;nemp;HEMP;nuclear electro-magnetic pulse
  1. 核电磁脉冲在岩土介质中的传播研究

    An Investigation on Propagation of NEMP into Rock and Soil Media

  2. 爆炸高度及威力对空间核电磁脉冲信号特性影响的数值分析

    Effects of the HOB and the Burst Yield on the Properties of NEMP

  3. 针对电磁脉冲武器对导弹控制系统的严重威胁,重点阐述控制系统抗核电磁脉冲(HEMP)的主要途径。

    With the severe threat of electromagnetic pulse weapon to ballistic missile control systems , the primary ways how control system counteract HEMP are discussed .

  4. 在分析核电磁脉冲特性的基础上,讨论了由Marx发生器和GTEM室组成的核电磁脉冲模拟装置。

    On basis of analyzing its characteristic , a simulation device of the nuclear electromagnetic pulse , which is composed of Marx generator and GTEM Cell , is presented .

  5. STF-FDTD方法计算核电磁脉冲在电离层传播

    Hybrid STF-FDTD Approach for Computation of Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation in Ionosphere

  6. 为了研究它对单片机的各种效应,利用GTEM室产生的模拟核电磁脉冲,对单片机系统进行了辐照效应实验。

    In order to study the effects of nuclear electromagnetic pulse to single chip , we made the irradiation effect experiments by simulative nuclear electromagnetic pulse pro-duced by GTEM Chamber .

  7. 通过核电磁脉冲(NEMP)进行核爆探测具有探测距离远、速度快、受天侯影响小等优点。

    The advantages of the nuclear explosion detection by electromagnetic pulse are the quick speed , the far distance , and the less influence by weather , etc.

  8. 核电磁脉冲(NEMP)、雷电电磁脉冲(LEMP)和高功率微波(HPM)等强电磁脉冲对单片机系统具有很强的干扰和破坏作用。

    Intense electromagnetic pulse , namely nucleus electromagnetic pulse ( NEMP ), lightning electromagnetic pulse ( LEMP ) and high power microwave ( HPM ), can disturb and destroy the single chip computer system .

  9. 本文从远区核电磁脉冲的特点出发,从远区NEMP信号的识别及远区NEMP与核爆炸相关参数的关系两个方面讨论了利用远区NEMP探测核爆炸的方法及其原理。

    Based on the characteristic of far-region NEMP , this paper discusses methods and theories of far-region nuclear explosion detection by NEMP from two aspects , identifying far-region NEMP and the relation between far-region NEMP and parameters of nuclear explosion .

  10. 单片机系统在核电磁脉冲辐照下的效应研究

    Study on irradiation effects of nucleus electromagnetic pulse on single chip computer system

  11. 核电磁脉冲通过天线耦合到潜艇的通讯、导航等电子系统中,会对电子系统产生冲击甚至物理损害。

    Nuclear electromagnetic pulse will do harm to the communication and navigation systems .

  12. 利用核电磁脉冲进行远区核爆探测方法研究

    Discussing on Far-Region Nuclear Burst Detection by NEMP

  13. 核电磁脉冲模拟器放电回路的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis for Discharge Circuit of NEMP Simulator

  14. 核电磁脉冲通过导线耦合对电子电气设备产生严重的干扰。

    The interference of Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse on electronic equipment is serious by lead coupling .

  15. 实验表明这种装置能实现对核电磁脉冲的实验室模拟。

    The experiments show that this device can simulate the nuclear electromagnetic pulse in laboratory .

  16. 复杂电子系统抗核电磁脉冲设计的拓朴图法

    The topological diagram method for the design of the antinuclear electromagnetic inpulse of complex electronic systems

  17. 核电磁脉冲模拟装置基于光纤信号传输的核电磁脉冲场探测仪的设计与实现

    Development of a field measurement instrument for nuclear electromagnetic pulse ( NEMP ) based on signal transmission through fiber

  18. 该方法能够适应多种峰值、前沿和半宽的高宽核电磁脉冲模拟波形的数值拟合。

    The method can be applied to fit the simulated HEMP waveforms of various peak values , rise times and FWHM .

  19. 第二部分介绍了诚实信用原则在民商法中的理论发展。高空核电磁脉冲模拟波形的双指数函数拟合法

    " the theory of double function " . Fitting method of the simulated HEMP waveform by the double - exponential function

  20. 天线几何形状对核电磁脉冲传感特性的影响

    The Affection of Antenna Geometric Forms to Nuclear EMP Sensing Characteristic Evolution of Dark Electromagnetic Pulses in Coupled Nonlinear Left-handed Materials

  21. 抗核电磁脉冲设计中的屏蔽理论&带有孔缝屏蔽体屏效的计算

    THE SHIELDING THEORY ABOUT THE DESIGN OF THE ANTINUCLEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE-Used to count the shield effectiveness of the shielding body with small-aperture

  22. 核电磁脉冲模拟装置介绍了基于光纤信号传输的核电磁脉冲场探测仪的原理、设计研制及达到的技术性能指标。

    This paper deals with design principles , development and performance of a field measurement instrument for nuclear electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ) based on signal transmission through fiber .

  23. 研究表明,该电磁脉冲模拟器可以产生前沿约10纳秒的核电磁脉冲波形。

    The investigation indicates that the numerical results agree with the experimental results and the waveforms of nuclear electromagnetic pulse with10ns rising time can be established in the simulator .

  24. 近年来,人们越来越关心由于雷电和核电磁脉冲等时域信号源引起的干扰和防护问题。

    Recent years , people pay more and more attention to the interference and protection caused by lightening , nuclear electromagnetic pulse ( NEMP ), and other time domain sources .

  25. 给出一种新型核电磁脉冲辐射波模拟器天线,并用时域有限差分方法分析和优化天线的结构。

    This paper presents a novel antenna of NEMP ( nuclear electromagnetic pulse ) radiating-wave simulator , which is analyzed and optimized using the finite-difference time domain ( FDTD ) method .

  26. 然后,详细讨论了核爆电磁脉冲对各种传输线影响的研究方法,推导了核电磁脉冲在同轴电缆通信线路上产生的感应电压的频域解和时域解。

    Then , the considerations about the research method of the induced voltages and currents on lines by NEMP are presented . The computational data are compared with that of NEMP .

  27. 许多标准和公开出版物中都用双指数函数描述高空核电磁脉冲典型波形。通过数值方法,研究了双指数函数一项重要的性质。

    An important nature of the double-exponential function , which is used to describe the typical high-altitude electromagnetic pulse ( HEMP ) waveform in many standards and publications , is studied by the numerical method .

  28. 本文介绍了可以模拟核电磁脉冲的瞬态电磁场辐射敏感度测试系统,论述了该测试系统建立的必要性、功能、系统组成及使用方法。

    This paper introduced the transient electromagnetic field radiated sensitivity test system which could simulate the nuclear electromagnetic pulse , and discussed the necessity of the system establishment , the function , system construction and operation method .

  29. 针对潜艇天线所处的不同状态,分析了天线对核电磁脉冲的响应,计算了天线中的感应电流强度和天线收集的能量数值,为防护措施的开展提供了依据。

    In this paper , the response of antennas on a submarine to nuclear electromagnetic pulse is analyzed , and the induced current in antennas and energy collected by antennas are calculated , which are very important to the protection systems design .

  30. 核爆炸电磁脉冲的自动记录和分析系统

    Automatic Record and Analysis System for Nuclear Explosive Electromagnetic Pulse