
mò ěr sī
  • Morse
莫尔斯[mò ěr sī]
  1. 莫尔斯电码由点和画线组成。

    The Morse code is made up of dots and dashes .

  2. 一天,一个年轻人去面试莫尔斯电码员的工作。

    One day , a young man went to an interview for a job as a Morse code operator .

  3. 老板说:"对不起,你一直坐在这里,电报机一直在用莫尔斯电码发送下列信息:如果你明白这条信息,请马上进来,这份工作是你的了。"

    The boss said , " I 'm sorry , but all the time you 've been sitting here , the telegraph has been sending out the following message in Morse code : ‘ If you understand this message , then come right in.The job is yours . ' "

  4. 辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。

    In firing Bartz , the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief .

  5. 精密化学武器-软件培训阅读莫尔斯电码或软件运行CW模式或什相干CW模式的业余无线电设备从您的PC。

    Precision CW-Software to train reading Morse code or software to run CW mode or even COHERENT CW mode on your amateur radio equipment from your PC.

  6. 基于MSP430的莫尔斯报训练装置设计

    Design of Morse Code Training Equipment Based on MSP430

  7. 以下是在莫尔斯电码,如MP3音频文件,可以下载。

    Here it is in Morse Code , as MP3 audio files that can be downloaded .

  8. 国际通用的莫尔斯电码遇险信号SOS。

    The international morse code distress signal , S.O.S.

  9. 应用于民航空管的TPU莫尔斯译码器

    Morse Encoder of TPU Used in Air Traffic Management of Civil Aviation

  10. 基于DirectXSDK的莫尔斯自动发报系统

    An Auto-transmitting Telegraph System MORSE Based on DirectX SDK

  11. 亚洲公司已经成熟了,花旗(Citi)机构客户部门亚太区首席执行官罗伯特•莫尔斯(RobertMorse)说。

    Asian corporates have come of age , said Robert Morse , Asia-Pacific chief executive of Citi 's institutional clients group .

  12. 斯蒂芬12539;罗伯特12539;莫尔斯(StephenRobertMorse)曾应聘过一个公关职位,在求职过程中,招聘方让他做好准备,在即将进行的面试中讨论他的SAT测试成绩。

    Stephen Robert Morse was a candidate for a communications job when the recruiter told him to be ready to discuss his SAT score in a coming interview .

  13. 在传统方案中,参数提取过程中所涉及的滤波器、FM解调以及莫尔斯码识别均由模拟电路完成。

    In the traditional method , the filter , FM demodulator as well as the Morse code identification in the parameter extraction process are completed by the analog circuit .

  14. 运用李代数陪集空间方法,结合莫尔斯(Morse)振子的解离特点研究了具有多重共振的高激发振动态氰化氢(HCN)分子的解离。

    The bond breaking at high excitation of the HCN molecule with various couplings is studied along with Morse oscillator by the coset ( phase ) space method of Lie algebra .

  15. 雅虎的声明令该公司股价在盘后交易时段下跌3.5%,至每股16.17美元。声明包含在一份提交给监管机构的备案文件中,文件上有首席财务长莫尔斯(TimMorse)的签名。

    Yahoo 's statement , contained in a regulatory filing signed by Chief Financial Officer Tim Morse , sent the Sunnyvale , Calif. , company 's shares down 3.5 % in after-hours trading to $ 16.17 .

  16. 他现在可以用它来发送和接收莫尔斯电码了。

    Marconi now found that he could transmit Morse Code signals .

  17. 手工拍发的莫尔斯码信号种类识别算法设计

    Design of signal sort recognition algorithm for Morse handcraft code

  18. 莫尔斯先生不在场,他感到高兴。

    He was glad that Mr. Morse was not there .

  19. 有关莫尔斯电码测验的详情,请参考丙栏。

    For details of Morse test , please see PART C.

  20. 莫尔斯电码里两个电报信号里较长的一个。

    The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code .

  21. 噪声背景下短波莫尔斯信号的自动检测和识别研究

    Research on Automatic Detection and Recognition of Morse Signal in Noise Background

  22. 如低语般划过长空的莫尔斯电码嗒嗒声。

    A stutter of Morse code whispering through the ether .

  23. 所有无线电报的电波联系均使用莫尔斯电码。

    All of Marconi 's radios communicated using Morse code .

  24. 莫尔斯星期一的大部分时间都消磨在办公室里。

    Morse idled away most of Monday in his office .

  25. 这对于从事人工接听莫尔斯信号的工作人员非常不利,它增加了接收人员的听觉和脑力疲劳。

    This is great disadvantage for people who engaged in receiving signals artificially .

  26. 国际电传号码簿信息莫尔斯电码的传号状态

    International Telex Directory Information mark condition in Morse code

  27. 只有数学,缺少物理&莫尔斯室内受迫振动的理论

    Mathematics but no physics & Morse theory of forced vibration in a room

  28. 莫尔斯先生惊异地望着妻子。

    Mr. Morse looked at his wife curiously .

  29. 他用莫尔斯电码把他名字的起首字母发送出去。

    He tapped out his initials in morse .

  30. 露丝莫尔斯跟他的距离比任何时候都大了。

    Ruth Morse seemed farther removed than ever .