
tǒng shuài bù
  • supreme command
统帅部[tǒng shuài bù]
  1. 他已宣布“缩短训政时期”,就不应该拒绝人们改组政府和改组统帅部的要求。

    Since he has proclaimed that " the period of political tutelage will be shortened ", he should not reject the demand for reorganizing the government and the Supreme command .

  2. 我们要向全国同胞和全世界人民宣布:重庆统帅部,不能代表中国人民和中国真正抗日的军队;

    We declare to all our fellow-countrymen and to the people of the whole world : the supreme command in Chungking cannot represent the Chinese people and those Chinese armed forces which have really fought japan ;

  3. 盟国远征军最高统帅部统帅部正在调遣部队进入攻击发动地带。

    The high Command was jockeying its force into place for attack .

  4. 但是,德军最高统帅部还是上了盟军的当!

    The German High Command took the bait anyway .

  5. 论苏军最高统帅部在卫国战争中的作用

    On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

  6. 盟国远征军最高统帅部东京盟军最高司令部

    Supreme Command Allied Powers , in Tokyo

  7. 把我从最高统帅部调到战场上似乎是一个值得庆幸的前景。

    To be transferred from supreme Headquarters to the field seemed to me a welcome prospect .

  8. 德国陆军统帅部对入侵英国的问题开始还感到相当犹豫。

    The German Army Command had from the first regarded the invasion of England with considerable qualms .

  9. 戈林没大没小,经常想坐在摇动木马上理发,这让纳粹统帅部觉得面上无光,却拿他没办法。

    Goering was a dissolute and often wanted to sit on the hobbyhorse to get his haircuts .

  10. 须知敌人的统帅部,是具有某种战略眼光的。

    It must be borne in mind that the enemy 's supreme command is not lacking in strategic insight .

  11. 1977年比利时空军最高统帅部终止了该队的训练。

    Unfortunately , in1977 , the Belgian Air Force high command halted the team existence for a considerable period .

  12. 重庆统帅部很快掌握方先觉降敌的证据,但被蒋断然否决。

    The Chongqing headquarters soon gained evidence pointing to Fang 's guilt , which was , however , dismissed by Chiang .

  13. 可事实上,欧亚国的最高统帅部打起了南印,北非倒是剩了下来。

    As it happened , the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone .

  14. 5月4日,德军最高统帅部命令所有在德国西北部、丹麦和荷兰的德军向蒙哥马利元帅投降。

    On May 4 the German High Command surrendered to Montgomery all German forces in northwest Germany , Denmark and Holland .

  15. 它坐落在布西庄园,此处后来用作盟军最高统帅部。

    Its site was carved out of Bushy Park , itself largely given over to Supreme Headquarters , Allied Expeditionary Forces .

  16. 看起来很像是盟国远征军最高统帅部情报处已经被英美侦探小说作家打进去了。

    It would almost seem as though the Allied Supreme Commander 's intelligence staff had been infiltrated by British and American mystery writers .

  17. 过了几分钟,经过了一段不长的路途我们就接近了最高统帅部代表,沃罗诺夫元帅所在地。

    Distance was not too large , and several minutes later we approached the house where Marshal Voronov , Stavka representative , was stationed .

  18. 该报告已经全文送呈最高统帅部代表炮兵司令员沃罗诺夫及方面军军事委员捷列金少将批阅。

    All above-mentioned was reported to the representative of the Stavka , Marshal of Artillery Voronov , and to the member of the Military Council , General-Major Telegin .

  19. 诺曼底战役前夕,欧洲盟军最高统帅部就战略空军在霸王行动中的任务和作用展开争论,制定并完善了轰炸战略决策。

    The pre-D-Day , " Bombing Strategy " decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in " Overlord " .

  20. 苏联在卫国战争中,为了战胜法西斯建立了苏军最高统帅部,它是当时苏联转向战争体制中各机关的中枢。

    In order to conquer the Fascists , the Soviet Union established the supreme command , which was the center of every department in the course of changing into the war system at that time .

  21. 一号坑西北为三号坑,面积520平方米,这是统率一、二号坑军阵的统帅部。

    Northwest of the No. 1 vault is the No. 3 vault which covers an area of 520 square metres . This looks like the command post of the forces in the two other vaults .

  22. 这种“新传统主义者”想要供职于盟军欧洲最高统帅部的北约计划制定者们就防卫北约各国边境及附近海域和空域制定可信的计划。

    Such " neo-traditionalists " want NATO 's planners at SHAPE ( Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe ) to make credible plans for the defence of NATO 's borders , and surrounding seas and airspace .

  23. 上午10:28分,北塔楼的顶部几层发生内爆,导致楼体其余部分倒塌。可事实上,欧亚国的最高统帅部打起了南印,北非倒是剩了下来。

    At10:28 AM , the top floors of the north tower imploded , bringing the rest of the building down . As it happened , the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone .

  24. 我确信星球防卫统帅司令部已经完全控制了局势,不过我决不能因此麻痹松懈。

    I have assurances from Peace Marshal Command that the situation is well under control , but that does little to ease my mind .

  25. 科勒在柏林与波茨坦之间的克拉姆普尼茨(没有最高统帅的最高统帅部的临时大本营现在设在这里)找到了约德尔,约德尔把全部悲惨的经过告诉了空军里的这位朋友。

    At Krampnitz , between Berlin and Potsdam , where the now Fuehrerless OKW had set up temporary headquarters , he found him , and Jodl told his Air Force friend the whole sad story .