
  • 网络Unification Wars
  1. 三国的军事实力以魏国最强,因此统一战争的主要任务最后落在魏晋方面。

    Wei held the most formidable military strength among the three kingdoms , therefore committed the duty of reunification .

  2. 元朝的统一战争持续了六、七十年的时间,社会经济遭到严重的破坏。

    The unify war of yuan dynasty lasted six or seven years , during which the social economy was damaged seriously .

  3. 中美两国的参战,最终使这场原本单纯的国内统一战争变成一场国际性的区域战争。

    China and the USA 's participation to the war led the simple domestic unification war into an international regional war .

  4. 其衰亡既有自身不适应社会发展需要的原因,也有诸侯国统一战争的必然。

    Their decline and demise own to their unfit to social development , also it is the unavoidable result of unifying wars among princedoms .

  5. 自从越战失败,许多美国人意识到越战实际上是越南的民族统一战争。

    Following the failure of the Vietnam War , many Americans later recognized that war was really a war of ethnic reunification by the Vietnamese people .

  6. 三国时期虽然仍有不断的战争,但已和东汉末期军阀混战的性质不同,是顺应民心所向的统一战争。

    The wars in Three Kingdoms period were different from the confusion wars at the end of the Han Dynasty in that the purpose of the war lied in the reunification of the imperial China .

  7. 由于他追求的是谋主的成功,关注的是自己作为附丽者的利益,因而希望造成一个诸侯对垒互峙之局,竭力阻挠刘邦的统一战争。

    As he sought to succeed his master , and followed the interests of a dependency , and wished that Dukes confronted each other , he did his best to obstruct Liu bang 's United war .

  8. 周世宗在周太祖改革的基础上,继续革新政治,训练军队,开始进行统一战争。他是中国历史上一位很有作为的政治家。

    The new emperor was Shi Zong , who was an impressive statesman in Chinese history . He followed the path of the former emperor , developed the economy and strengthened his armies to the unification of the imperial China .

  9. 公元前278年,秦将白起攻破楚都郢城,迫使楚迁都于陈(今河南淮阳),揭开了秦国统一战争的序幕。

    In 278 B. C. , Qin 's general Bai Qi captured Chu " s capital , Ying , compelling Chu to move its capital to Chen ( modern Huaiyang , Henan Province ) , and raised the curtain on the unification of China .

  10. 太原,尽管宋初统一战争中有堕晋阳而建太原之沿革,惟从地名学、从原始居民传承、从政治地缘等视角看,由晋阳到太原,都是一座持续发展之城;

    Although it was renamed as such from the original one of Jinyang during the unification war at the early part of Song Dynasty , Taiyuan has been a city of sustainable development from points of view of toponymy , descending of original dwellers , geo politics , etc.

  11. 最终北方打赢了维护国家统一的战争。

    The North won the war of safeguarding national unification in the end .

  12. 因战争是以休战状态收尾并至今未能实现统一,战争文学一直延续并发展。

    Because war is truce ending and has failed to achieve reunification , the literature of wars and development continues .

  13. 只有坚持统一战线和坚持战争,才能有最后胜利。

    And only by persevering in the united front and in the war can we win final victory .

  14. 历史真实与文学虚构的相融统一&赫尔曼·沃克《战争风云》的历史再现手法探析

    The Fusion of the Historical Truth and Literary Fiction & the interpretation of historical representational technique in Herman Wouk 's The Winds of War

  15. 1914年,欧洲的一些政治家和将领就怀有这样的幻想,他们的眼光还局限于半个世纪前导致德国和意大利统一的那些有限战争。

    In 1914 some European politicians and generals , their outlook shaped by the limited wars that had unified Germany and Italy half a century earlier , harboured this illusion .