
  • 网络statistical regularity;statistical law
  1. 据过去的资料提取一个地区降水量所具有的统计规律性,其代表了该地区降水量的本质特征。

    Based on data in the past , it extracts the statistical regularity that a regional precipitation possesses .

  2. 技术进步与产业发展的统计规律性&兼论我国高技术产业的发展战略

    Technological Progress and Statistical Regularity of Industrial Growth : with a View of the Strategy of High-Technology Industry in China

  3. R&D投资规模的统计规律性研究

    Study on Statistics Regularity for R & D Investment Scale

  4. 这是新兴高技术产业发展所表现出的统计规律性。

    This is the statistical law of the development of the new high-technology industry .

  5. 动力学规律性与统计规律性

    Dynamic law nature and statistical law nature

  6. 道尔顿板是用来说明气体分子运动速率分布统计规律性的教学仪器。

    Dalton board is an instrument used to ex-plain statistics disciplinarian of velocity distribution of air molecule movement .

  7. 回归分析法是对一定的测量数据,寻找出隐藏在随机性中的统计规律性。

    For certain measurement data , the regression analysis is a method to explore the statistical regularity which is hidden stochastically .

  8. 本文阐明了动力学规律性和统计规律性的特点,以及二者之间的关系。

    In this paper we show the each characteristic of the dynamic law nature and the statistical law nature , and the relation between the two .

  9. 概率论反映的是大量同类随机现象的统计规律性。对变幻莫测的股市可以用概率论进行统计分析。

    Statistic law of a lot of similar random phenomena is reflected by the probability theory which , therefore , can be used in the uncertain stocks market to do the statistic analysis .

  10. 在企业不同的发展阶段,智力资本中人力资本、结构资本和关系资本对组织绩效的作用是有差异性的,具有一定的统计规律性。

    When an enterprise is in different stages of development , there is discrepancy and definite statistical regularity among the respective influence of human capital , structural capital and relational capital on performance .

  11. 根据白城地区过去40年降水资料,提取该地区年降水量变化所蕴含的随机性和统计规律性,这些属性表征了该地区年降水量变化的固有特征。

    The stochastic and statistic laws owned by annual precipitation variation of this area are extracted from the rainfall data in past 40 years , which indicate the essential characteristics of annual precipitation variation .

  12. 随机场理论产生于20世纪初期,主要是借助概率论和统计学的方法,研究随着空间变量变化的动态的、整体的随机现象的统计规律性。

    Random Fields theory begins in the early of 20th century . It studies the statistical rules of dynamic and whole random phenomena with the spatial variables change with the help of the principles of probability theory and statistics .

  13. 试验测定和理论计算指出:同作物的其他物理机械性能一样,机械振动性能也是作物的固有特性,其具有统计规律性。

    The result of the tests and theoretical calculations indicates that , similar to the physical and mechanical characteristics of the crops , the performance of mechanical vibration is also one of inherent properties for each crop and has definite statistical regularity .

  14. 通过实际案例的统计和规律性分析,证明该种软件开发过程的最佳实践方法在实际的工程项目管理中具有较强的工程指导意义和现实参考价值。

    Through actual cases and regularity of the statistical analysis show that this kind of software development best practices process in the actual project has a strong and practical reference guide .

  15. 统计规律的公理性特征

    Axiom Characteristics of Statistic Laws

  16. 运用半定量半定性研究方法,依据经典统计规律对极性分子的极化程度作了研究。

    The polarized degree of polar molecule is studied based on the classic statistic law and semi_quantitative , method .

  17. 民航灾害作为一种高度复杂的社会现象,它具有非线性、多样性、突发性、随机性、整体性、多变性、统计性和规律性等复杂性特征。

    As a kind of highly-complex social phenomenon , the civil aviation calamity has the complex characteristics of nonlinear , diversity , sudden and randomicity , integration , variability , statistic and regularity .

  18. 根据种群统计特征的整体规律性、局部不确定性和普遍性,在整体趋势和局部性能两个层面上调整遗传算法的优化策略,提高了算法的收敛率,有效地避免了早熟问题。

    Because the population statistical characters had global regularity , local irregularity and universality , the optimization strategy was improved in the global trend and local performance .

  19. 文中分析了负荷历史数据,负荷预报模型以及预报误差之间的关系,构建了一种基于统计分析的负荷规律性评价方法。

    By using statistics theory , the evaluation of load regularity is based on the investigation of relationships among historical load data , load forecast mathematics model and forecast errors .

  20. 但是,在时间与空间的宏观尺度下,其分布及运动又具有统计连续性与规律性,并可将其视为一种特殊的连续介质&拟流体。

    In macro-scale of time and space , the dispersed cuttings phase is assumed to behave as continuous medium , which is termed " pseudo-fluid ", and its dynamic regularity is shown in the view of statistics .

  21. 分析了用归纳法逼近自然载体信源统计规律对隐密安全性的影响,以及嵌入率、样本量与隐密信息安全性之间的定量关系。

    Using the above conclusions , the limitations in security due to the natural cover source statistical rules approach with inductive method are proposed , and the quantitative relationship among embedding rate , sample size and the security is also proposed .

  22. 多元统计分析是研究多个随机变量之间的相互依赖关系以及内在统计规律性的学科,起源于上世纪初。

    Multivariate statistical analysis is the subject of the reliance and inherent statistical regularity of multiple stochastic variables . It originated at the beginning of last century .