
tǒnɡ yī jīnɡ yínɡ
  • unified management
  1. 分众传播时代电视广告统一经营模式的反垄断法分析

    The Analysis of the Unified Management Mode of TV Advertisement from the Antitrust Law Point of View

  2. 最后给出了大型商场统一经营及多元化经营时的应急照明控制方式。

    At last , control ways of emergency lighting in large size commercial building unified management and diversified management are given separately .

  3. 用统计的视觉分析五统一经营管理模式

    On the Five Unities Management Model with Statics Means

  4. 电力系统厂网分开后,统一经营调度模式下的无功优化目标已不再适用。

    After power system is unbundled , the management mode of reactive power is changed .

  5. 在此基础上,重构强调统一经营的双层经营体制。

    And then , we reconstruct Two-tier management system that stressed the collective unified operation .

  6. 发展村级统一经营的集体经济是农民共同富裕的必由之路

    The development of collective enterprises shared by villagers is the only way to common prosperity of peasants

  7. 商业地产项目通常采取分割产权出售的做法,这直接影响后续的统一经营管理。

    The commercial real estate projects usually adopt cutting apart the property right , which influences the follow-up unified management .

  8. 第二次历史性变革是通过引导农民走合作化道路建立了土地集体所有制及统一经营的模式;

    The second historical change through lead peasant walk cooperative transformation road set up land collective ownship and mode of unified management ;

  9. 20世纪70年代末,我国农村实行了土地制度的改革,将原有的集体所有、集体统一经营的土地制度变为集体所有、农户家庭经营的土地制度。

    In the late 1970s , land reform of rural areas has made the original collective land ownership into a unified management system of collective ownership .

  10. 农村集体统一经营以农村土地集体所有为基础,是双层经营制度的重要组成部分。

    As an important component of the double-tier operation system , the collective operation in China 's rural areas is based on the collective ownership of rural land .

  11. 新中国土地制度的历史发展经历了耕者有其田;农业合作化;集体所有、统一经营;集体所有、承包经营几个阶段。

    The land system of China has undergone the stages : land to the tiller , agricultural cooperation , and collective and unified management , collective and contract management .

  12. 农业合作化运动开始到党的十一届三中全会前夕(1953年&1978年)劳动群众集体所有,集体统一经营的农地政策;

    The second phase begins from 1953 , the starting point of the agricultural cooperative movement , to 1978 with the land policy of " collective ownership of the land and collective management ";

  13. 为了满足客户的需求,建立以客户为中心的营销、销售和服务的集成、统一经营模式,成为电信企业转型的目标。

    In order to meet customer 's demands , it is the transition goal of the telecommunications enterprise to set up integrated and unified the management mode of customer oriented for marketing , sale and service .

  14. 沃尔玛在流通扩张的产业空间下,打造品牌、统一经营模式和现代信息技术等方面核心竞争力,通过对分店进行复制/粘贴和选择性干预,成功地实现了规模扩大。

    Under the industry condition , Wal-Mart promotes its core-competence from brand , united management mode and modern information technologies , Replicates / sticks and selectively intervenes in its subsection-stores , and hence successfully increases its size .

  15. 应当引入更多的土地经营主体,如大规模的私营农场、农业企业等,在坚持土地集体所有制,农户承包的基础上,创新流转方式,进行大规模的流转、统一经营,发展农业产业化。

    Draw into more land management , such as large-scale private farms and agricultural enterprises . Innovate mode of land transfer to large-scale transfer and unified management for developing agricultural industrialization , on the base of adhering to collective ownership of land and contractual right of farmers .

  16. 整个公司的信息流、物流、资金流有效统一,经营效率大为提高。

    Currently , the information flow , material distribution and capital flow of the company has been well organized and the operation efficiency has been largely increased .

  17. 统一的项目经营管理,为写字楼形象增值。

    Uniform Development Management to Increase the Image of the Office Building .

  18. 提出五种战略应互为融合,相互依存,统一于企业经营发展的战略实践。

    Five strategies should be integrative and interdependence , unified in the practice of development strategy .

  19. 用事例说明现行加油站使用统一密度计算经营产品数量而带来的油品进、销、存数据失真问题,并对此提出了改进加油站油品数量管理的建议。

    In order to remove data distortion , suggestion is presented to improve quantity management at gas stations .

  20. 在运营管理中实现社会效益与自身经济效益相统一是高速公路经营企业的突出特点和发展要求。

    In the operation management to realize social benefit and economic benefit their unification is the highway operation enterprise outstanding characteristics and development requirements .

  21. 此外,之前所有的学校,不管是小学,高中或大学,都是统一由国家经营,这种统一性不利于多样性的发展。

    Furthermore , previously all schools , whether primary , high school or university , were operated by the state and this kind of uniformity has adversely affected diversity .

  22. 摘要股权激励制度的有效实施可以将经营者的利益和股东的利益紧密结合在一起,真正统一公司的经营目标,从根本上解决公司治理过程中的委托代理问题。

    Carrying out effectively the option incentive system proposed can combine closely the interests of both management and stockholders of a list company to integrate operation objectives and realize completely the equity-proxy system in the corporate restructuring process .

  23. 制造资源计划MRPⅡ系统(ManufacturingResourcesPlanning)是指以物料需求计划MRP(MaterialRequirementsPlanning)为核心,对物资运动和资金运动统一管理的闭环经营生产管理系统。

    The MRP ⅱ system ( Manufacturing Resources Planning System ) is a close - loop business - production management system which has MRP ( Material Requirements Planning ) as the kernel to unify the organization and management of material / capital movement .

  24. 第三个原则是统一领导,分散经营。

    The third principle is unified leadership and decentralized management .

  25. 收费方式与收费标准的不统一是跆拳道馆经营管理中存在的问题。

    The problem is the Charging methods and charging standards is not unified .

  26. 在经营定位方面为其制定了控制产权、统一招商、统一经营等定位措施。

    The last part focus on the measures in the management position , such as unify management etc.

  27. 统一集团在过去经营管理的实践中建立起来的良好的企业文化将逐步发挥出其在市场竞争中的优势。

    The excellence of our corporate culture formed from past management will be a unique advantage for Uni-President to stand strong in this competitive market .

  28. 开发企业可以按照国家交通主管部门的统一规划建设和经营专用港区和码头。

    The development enterprise may construct and operate a special port area and wharf in accordance with the unified planning of the competent state communication authorities .

  29. “统一领导,分散经营”的原则,已被证明是我们解放区在目前条件下组织一切经济生活的正确的原则。

    The principle of " unified leadership and decentralized management " has proved to be the correct one for organizing all economic activities in our Liberated Areas in the present circumstances .

  30. 在现代金融经济中,盈利性、流动性和安全性的有机统一是商业银行经营及管理过程中的三项基本原则。

    In the modern financial economy , profitability , liquidity and safety of the organic unity are the commercial bank business operation and management in the process of the three basic principles .