
  • state-compiled textbook
  1. 取消统编教材,开拓学术空间&关于取消中医院校统编教材之我见

    To Abolish the Universal Teaching Materials of TCM and Exploit the Learned Space

  2. 农业机械学统编教材中几个理论问题的质疑和探讨

    Querying and discussing on several theoretical questions carried on the textbooks in agricultural machinery

  3. 中国文学批评史课堂教学及统编教材修订问题琐议

    The Comment on Class Teaching of Chinese Literature Criticism and Revise Question Edit Teaching Material

  4. 证据法学统编教材是教育教学和学术传承的必要载体。

    National textbooks about evidence law is a necessary carrier for legal education and further academic study .

  5. 我国人民教育出版社出版的两套统编教材,上海地区的英语课改教材,以及外国语学校的英语教材都在很大程度上受到国外引进英语教材的影响。

    These imported teaching materials of English also have some impacts on the English material designed by Chinese .

  6. 倾斜钻孔中矿体厚度的计算,是地质勘探工作中经常遇到的实际问题.本文指出了现行大学统编教材中有关计算公式的错误,推导论证了正确的计算公式。

    A more correct formula for calculating the thickness of an orebody encountered by an inclined drill hole is derived in this paper .

  7. 乡土教材是区别于国家统编教材,以地方的地理、历史、文化和民族状况等为主要内容的地方性教材。

    Distinguished from the nationally compiled materials , local education materials mainly introduce the local geography 、 history 、 culture and ethical conditions .

  8. 通过分析法学院校当前《司法会计》课程教学工作现状及存在的问题,提出了组织力量,统编教材;适当增加课时等解决问题的相应对策,进而促使《司法会计》教学质量进一步提高。

    This thesis , based on the analysis of judicature accounting teaching , has advocated that writing proper textbooks and giving more teaching periods can raise the teaching quality .

  9. 本论文通过以上研究发现,统编教材与校本教材在内容、编排和呈现方式方面各具优缺点。

    In this paper , the above study found that school-based teaching materials and state-compiled textbooks , in the content , layout and modes of presentation , each with advantages and disadvantages .

  10. 校本教材是国家统编教材的有力补充,将弥补统编教材不能很好适应我国不同地区教育的缺点。

    The school-based teaching material is the strong complement to and makes up the deficiency of the nation compiles teaching material , which is not sufficient to different district education of our country .

  11. 当前发展旅游高职教育面临着重要的任务:培养高水平的专业师资、编写高质量的高职统编教材、科学合理的设置课程。

    So far the vital task of developing tourism higher vocational education is to train high-level professional teachers , to compile high-quality teaching materical and to design curriculum in a scientific and reasonable way .

  12. 相比于国家统编教材对人才培养的统一要求,校本教材更能满足政治经济文化多元化发展的现代社会的多样化要求。

    By contrast with the unified demand to the capable people training of nation compiled teaching material , the school-based material is better to meet the diversified demands of the multiple developments of politics , economy and culture in modern society .

  13. 学习内容为全国统编教材或自编教材,采用集中、分散的教学形式,40.70%的运动员不适应教材的内容,31.93%的运动员不能完成大纲的要求;

    The study contents are nationwide unified-compile teaching material or self-compile teaching material , and use the centralism and the disperser teaching form for the national series . There are 40.70 percent of athletes unsuitable contents of teaching materials and 31.93 percent of athletes cannot complete the request for outline .

  14. 改革取得的主要成果有:3门省级一类优秀课程、主编出版8部统编或规划教材及省级一等教学成果奖1项。

    As a result , three sub-courses have been awarded the title of the excellent primary course at the provincial level , eight textbooks have been published under the editorship of our department , and one teaching prize has been won at the provincial level .

  15. 本文对中等卫校护理专业统编第二版教材《传染病学及护理》进行了分析,提出了该教材的主要特点及存在的若干问题,并对某些具体内容进行了商榷。

    The authors analysed the textbook " Infectious Diseases and Nursing " of and edition for secondary health schools 2nd pointed out its main advantages and several existing questions and discussed them and gave their own views .