
chànɡ dǎo zhě
  • advocate;promoter;proponent;initiator;pioneer;protagonist;prophet
  1. “说起这些访问代码,我们认为这是教科书垄断的新形式,是一种把学生锁在这个系统中的新方式,”美国公共利益研究集团高等教育倡导者伊桑·斯奈克对Buzzfeed新闻说道。

    When we talk about the access code we see it as the new face of the textbook monopoly , a new way to lock students around this system , said Ethan Senack , the higher education advocate for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group , to BuzzFeed News .

  2. 要了解更多信息,参见EJB倡导者简介。

    For more information , see Introducing the EJB Advocate .

  3. 她从政期间是自由贸易的主要倡导者。

    She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career .

  4. 阿伦·科普兰从来都是美国音乐的积极倡导者。

    Aaron Copland was an energetic promoter of American music .

  5. 她参加争取妇女选举权的运动,也是节育倡导者。

    She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer .

  6. 她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。

    Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating .

  7. 和平倡导者可能不被大部分英国人认同。

    The peace campaigners were probably out of tune with most Britons .

  8. 该活动正受到禁烟倡导者的攻击。

    The campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates .

  9. 她是一个素食主义的倡导者。

    She is an exponent of vegetarianism .

  10. 以白炽灯泡为例,它是目前许多环保主义者和节能倡导者所痛恨的对象。

    Consider the incandescent bulb , an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates .

  11. 工人利益的倡导者们批评哈斯拉姆的方案,称这将意味着一些校园工作人员会失去其工作或福利。

    Worker 's advocates have criticized Haslam 's plan , saying it would mean some campus workers would lose their jobs or benefits .

  12. 所以,目前就许多涉及政府入侵数据的案子而言,那些曾经单打独斗、为隐私而战的倡导者发现现在与世界上最强大的公司一起并肩作战。

    So now , for many cases involving governmental intrusions into data , once-lonely privacy advocates find themselves fighting alongside the most powerful company in the world .

  13. 长期以来,健康和环保倡导者一直敦促美国政府机构限制使用报告列举的11种化学物质,呼吁对它们的长期影响进行更多研究。

    Health and environmental advocates have long urged US government agencies to tighten the use of some of the 11 chemicals the report cites and called for more studies on their long-term effects .

  14. 位于盖思斯维尔的佛罗里达大学菜文法学院的法律技能教授斯泰西·斯坦伯格说:“作为儿童权利的倡导者,我们认为,如果可能的话,儿童应该对于哪些与其有关的信息可以进行分享拥有发言权。”

    " As advocates of children 's rights , we believe that children should have a voice about what information is shared about them if possible , " says Stacey Steinberg , a legal skills professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville .

  15. 银行家们是自由放任经济学最有力的倡导者之一,他们非常愿意接受政府提供的数千亿美元的援助,这些援助自撒切尔-里根时代"自由"市场和放松管制开始以来,一直是全球经济的一个反复出现的特点。

    The bankers , among the strongest advocates of laissez-faire economics , were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programs that have been a recurring feature of the global economy since the beginning of the Thatcher-Reagan era of " free " markets and deregulation .

  16. 一些移民倡导者担心,由于经济困难使当地人更难保住工作,这些措施将降低包容度,而不是促进融合。

    Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs , such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration .

  17. 法律倡导者“良法项目(GoodLawProject)”认为,解决问题的办法不是强迫这些孩子去上学,并威胁要采取法律行动。

    Legal campaigners , the Good Law Project , argue the answer is not for those children to be forced to go to school and have threatened legal action .

  18. 斯塔普是力主在汽车上采用座椅安全带的早期倡导者。

    Stapp became a strong early proponent of automobile seat belts .

  19. 潘克赫斯特太太是女权的主要倡导者之一

    Mrs Pankhurst was one of the chief protagonists of women 's rights .

  20. 中国是构建和谐WTO体系的倡导者,随着综合国力的不断增强,将在其中发挥重要的作用。

    China is a leading country for promoting a harmonious WTO system , and will play a more important as China becomes stronger .

  21. 然而,FDA还面临着来自公共健康倡导者和医疗专家的压力。

    The agency , however , is under pressure from public health advocates and medical experts .

  22. 该网站提供到其它AOP倡导者的链接、用其它语言的Aspect实现、类Aspect源代码修改以及关于Aspect理论的文章。

    The site offers links to other AOP initiatives , aspect implementations in other languages , aspect-like source modification , and articles on aspect theory .

  23. 就拿迈克尔·R·布隆伯格(MichaelR.Bloomberg)的经历为例吧,他在担任纽约市长时是一位强有力的公众健康倡导者。

    An example is the experience of Michael R. Bloomberg , a forceful public-health advocate when he was New York 's mayor .

  24. 一些隐私权倡导者质疑这种做法是否违反了Facebook与美国联邦贸易委员会(USFederalTradeCommission)就其不遵守隐私承诺欺骗消费者的指控所达成的950万美元和解协议。

    Some privacy advocates question whether the practice violates the $ 9.5m settlement Facebook struck with the US Federal Trade Commission over charges that it deceived consumers by not keeping privacy promises .

  25. 如果您有使用任何类型EJB的有趣的问题,请随时联系EJB倡导者。

    If you have an interesting problem associated with using EJBs of any type , please feel free to contact the EJB Advocate .

  26. 乌干达常常被赞为ABC的成功典范,而且被禁欲的倡导者视为他们的方法可行的证据。

    Uganda is often heralded as a success story for ABC , and is cited by abstinence advocates as proof that their approach works .

  27. 然而,若宫向世人证明了,并不是所有的老年人都对科技望而生畏,她自诩ICT的倡导者,即“信息”(information)、“沟通(communication)”和“技术(technology)”。

    However , she is showing others that not all elderly individuals are afraid of technology and refers to herself as an ICT Evangelists , which stands for ' information ' , ' communication ' and ' technology ' .

  28. 即便是欧盟(eu)内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)这样著名的自由市场倡导者,也对主权基金表示担心。

    Even Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner , a leading champion of free markets , is concerned about sovereign funds .

  29. 但SOA倡导者和采用者在应用SOA时需要保持警惕,因为采用SOA的过程并不总是一帆风顺或完全不出问题。

    But SOA evangelists and adopters need to keep a watchful eye when applying SOA because the reality of adopting SOA is that it 's not always smooth sailing or completely free from problems .

  30. 开源倡导者之间也存在一个重要分歧,即该如何划分GPL方式的许可和BSD方式的许可。

    A major dispute among advocates of open source comes down to the division between GPL-style licenses and BSD-style licenses .