
  • 网络Paris Museum
  1. 买一个巴黎博物馆通票:我是各种旅行卡的粉丝,巴黎绝对值得你去买一张通票。

    Buy a Paris Museum Pass Im a huge fan of tourist cards , and Paris is one of the best places to get one .

  2. 友情提示:如果你计划在下次旅行时参观几个流行的景点,考虑买一个巴黎博物馆参观卡。

    A word of advice : if you plan to visit several of these popular sights during your next trip , consider purchasing the Paris Museum Pass .

  3. 友情提示:如果你计划在下次旅行时参观几个流行的景点,考虑买一个巴黎博物馆参观卡。凭卡能参观巴黎主要的几个博物馆和经典,能节省一笔开销。

    A word of advice : if you plan to visit several of these popular sights during your next trip , consider purchasing the Paris Museum Pass . It allows entry to several of the city 's most popular museums and attractions , and can be a great time and money-saver .

  4. 大约在100年前,毕加索(PabloPicasso)动身前往巴黎人类学博物馆(MuséeduTrocadéro)学习一些罗马式雕塑的石膏模型。

    About 100 years ago , Pablo Picasso set off to the Mus é e du Trocad é ro in Paris to study some plaster casts of Romanesque sculpture .

  5. 现代艺术史上最著名的卧室当属梵高在阿尔勒所住的卧室。现存的三个版本将被放在一起展出:阿姆斯特丹梵高博物馆(VanGoghMuseum)和巴黎奥赛博物馆(Muséed’Orsay)的油画以及芝加哥的帆布画。

    The most famous bedroom in modern art history , Van Gogh 's sleeping chamber in Arles , will be on view in its three extant versions : the paintings owned by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam , the Mus é e d'Orsay in Paris , and Chicago 's canvas .

  6. 巴黎下水道博物馆发言人玛丽-克丽丝婷?

    ' It was very chic , 'says museum spokeswoman Marie-Christine Amable .

  7. 戴维陈列馆闻名于世,现存列于法国巴黎国家博物馆内的世界第一只大熊猫模式生物标本就出自这里。

    It is from here that the first giant panda biological specimen is found in the French National Museum in Paris .

  8. 三宅一生被巴黎装饰博物馆馆长戴思德兰里斯誉为“本世纪最伟大的服装创造家”。

    ISSEY MIYAKE was honored as " the greatest fashion creator " by the president of the Mus é e des Arts d é coratifs of Paris .

  9. 1936年巴黎军事博物馆中的拿破仑棺木永久陈列馆开放之前,这缕头发被交到了拿破仑的侄子&拿破仑三世手中。

    It was later given to Bonaparte 's nephew , Emperor Napoleon III , before being put in a permanent exhibit at the Army Museum in Paris in1936 .

  10. 几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。

    For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums .

  11. 巴黎的奥赛博物馆里有一件罗丹的石膏雕塑作品。

    In the Mus d'Orsay in Paris is a sculpture in plaster by Rodin .

  12. 巴黎自然历史博物馆的PascalTassy教授就公然指责了对这些可能具有科学有价值的标本的廉价抛售行为。

    Pascal Tassy , professor at Paris'Natural History Museum , has decried the selling off of specimens that could be useful to science .

  13. 展览通常是免费的,但是莫奈展览的门票是100元人民币,约合16美元,用以弥补运输、处理和安保的成本。这些作品是从巴黎的马蒙丹·莫奈博物馆(MuséeMarmottanMonet)借来的。

    Usually the shows are free , but for the Monet show , tickets cost 100 renminbi , about $ 16 , to offset the cost of shipping , handling and security for the works , which have been loaned by the Mus é e Marmottan Monet in Paris .

  14. 这种亵玩并没有与26岁生命一同消失,一直到1985年,baartman的性器官和大脑依然被保存在巴黎的人类博物馆,他们对外声称是为了科学研究。

    The indignities continued past her death at the age of 26 - until 1985 , Baartman 's sex organs and brain were housed in Paris ' Musee de l'Homme , ostensibly for scientific study .

  15. 所有展品均来自巴黎罗丹博物馆。

    The sculptures are provided by the Rodin Museum in Paris .

  16. 递交纽约第五号路旅馆,巴黎自然科学博物馆教授阿龙纳斯先生。

    Pierre Aronnax Professor at the Paris Museum Fifth Avenue Hotel

  17. 她问我最喜欢巴黎的那些博物馆;

    She asked me which museum I like in Paris .

  18. 巴黎卢浮宫博物馆馆长说,《蒙娜丽莎》的芳容正日益呈现出“老态”,同时他还宣布要对这幅有着500年历史的名画进行科学研究。

    The Mona Lisa is showing her age , museum curators in Paris said while announcing a scientific study of the500-year-old masterpiece .

  19. 由于我是巴黎自然科学博物馆的副教授,法国政府派我参加这次考察,

    In my capacity as Assistant Professor at the Paris Museum of Natural History , I had been attached to this expedition by the French government .

  20. 五月份,巴黎现代艺术博物馆馆毕加索、马蒂斯等人总价1.25亿美元的五幅作品的失窃,引来世界关注。

    The $ 125 million theft of five paintings by artists like Picasso and Matisse from the Museum of Modern Art in Paris in May caught the attention of the world .

  21. 况且《纽约先锋论坛报》已经约了巴黎自然科学博物馆教。授可敬的彼埃尔·阿龙纳斯先生,请他发表对这个问题砌意见。

    And in this vein , the honorable Pierre Aronnax , Professor at the Paris Museum , was summoned by The New York Herald to formulate his views no matter what .

  22. 三月底,伯安什瓦尔发起了这个项目,在巴黎东京宫博物馆的一个全玻璃封闭的容器里,他模仿一只母鸡,用自己的体温去孵10多个鸡蛋。

    Poincheval embarked on his latest project in late March of imitating a mother hen by incubating some 10 eggs with his own body heat inside a glass vivarium at Paris ' Palais de Tokyo contemporary art museum .

  23. 几年前,在微软研究社交网络动态的瓦茨也曾在巴黎另一家博物馆经历过与克廷相似的体验。

    A few years ago , Watts , who is employed by Microsoft to study the dynamics of social networks , had a similar experience to Cutting ‘ s in another Paris museum .

  24. 他还是中国古代艺术品收藏领域内的先驱,那些精美的青铜器后来被捐献给了巴黎的吉美博物馆(MuséeGuimet)。

    He also amassed a pioneering collection of early Chinese art , whose finest bronzes were eventually bequeathed to the Mus é e Guimet in Paris .

  25. 巴黎卢浮宫美术博物馆,夜10时46分。

    Louvre Museum , Paris 10:46 P.M.

  26. 基本上那是我的美梦,参加巴黎的派对跟博物馆开幕

    So , basically , it 's my fantasy ... complete with Parisian parties and museum openings .

  27. 巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆正在努力把馆内全部艺术收藏都搬上自己的网站,这样人们不用去博物馆也能欣赏到这些艺术品。

    The Louvre Museum is working on adding its entire art collection to its website so that anyone can view its works without going to the museum in Paris .