
  • 网络balmoral;Balmoral Castle
  1. 女王私人所有的地产包括诺福克桑德林厄姆庄园和阿伯丁郡的巴尔莫勒尔堡还有其他一些小型的房产。

    The Queen also owns personal property including Sandringham House in Norfolk , Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire and other smaller houses .

  2. 保罗,王妃的私人侍从,在戴妃以前某次去巴尔莫勒尔堡时与她结识了。

    Paul , one of the Queen 's personal footmen , met Diana during one of her first visits to Balmoral Castle .

  3. 他宁愿同父亲在苏格兰的巴尔莫勒尔堡一起度假,在那里闪光灯被拒于皇家领地之外。

    He preferred holidays with his father at Balmoral in Scotland , where the flashbulbs could be kept at bay by acres of royal land .

  4. 那次您到访巴尔莫勒尔堡为我们留下了愉快的回忆,希望这张配方也能让您回忆起与我们共同度过的非常快乐的那一天。

    We remember with such pleasure your visit to Balmoral , and I hope the photograph will be a reminder of the very happy day you spent with us .

  5. 这份工作年薪为1.42万英镑。工作地点主要在白金汉宫,但有需要时也要前往女王的其他住所洗碗,包括温莎城堡、桑德林汉姆庄园、巴尔莫勒尔堡和荷里路德宫。

    The £ 14200-a-year employee will be based at Buckingham Palace but must be able to travel with a dishcloth to Windsor and Sandringham , and also to Balmoral and Holyroodhouse in Scotland .