
xiǎo niú pí
  • calfskin;calf;box-calf
  1. 书的封面用精致的小牛皮制成。

    The book cover is made of fine calfskin leather .

  2. 每一双鞋都是用使用小牛皮作为衬里,陪以柔软的内底保证其舒适度。

    Each shoe is designed with calfskin lining and cushion insoles to provide comfort .

  3. 国际著名服装品牌拉夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)也推出了一款鳄鱼皮包包,售价2.95万美元,这是一款抽绳斜跨包,小牛皮内衬,配有特色木锁。

    Ralph Lauren makes an alligator bag , too , selling a $ 29500 drawstring crossbody that 's lined with calfskin and features a wooden lock .

  4. 在娱乐圈有“时尚劳模”雅号的维多利亚-贝克汉姆最近被动物保护组织PETA盯上,起因是维多利亚在不同场合所穿着佩戴的各种鳄鱼、蜥蜴和小牛皮时装招致了这家组织的严重不满。

    Victoria Beckham has evidently risked the wrath of animal rights group PETA with her new bag collection made from crocodile , lizard and calf skins .

  5. J.Mendel品牌推出了四款令人印象深刻的包包,手包和手提包各两款。手提包材质用的是大块颜色的阔尾羔羊皮。一款手包用羔羊皮和小牛皮制成,起始定价4900美元。

    J. Mendel , though , is selling four memorable styles-two clutches and two totes-of color-blocked broadtail , with prices starting at $ 4900 for a clutch made of the baby lamb and calf skin .

  6. 我送给她一个仿小牛皮的新手提包。

    I gave her a new purse of simulated calf .

  7. 特点:带橡胶垫的小牛皮与皮革牛津鞋。

    Characteristics : Oxford in calfskin and leather with a rubber insert .

  8. 一个鳄鱼皮小牛皮平板电脑保护套价格为8250美元。

    An alligator and calfskin tablet case costs $ 8,250 .

  9. 小牛皮的特征是皮质柔软,平滑。

    Feature-Calf leather is soft , supple leather that has a smooth finish .

  10. 小牛皮胶原蛋白对成纤维细胞的细胞相容性研究

    Cellular Compatibility Study of Ox Collogen with Fibroblast Cells

  11. 小牛皮纹理状塑胶袋

    Calf-grained plastic bag mary janes of alligator-grained leather

  12. 做银色小牛皮,它的挡水板发光与银色树荫水晶滤网。

    Made of silver calfskin , its flap shines with Silver Shade Crystal Mesh .

  13. 小牛皮服装革加工工艺研究

    Study on Garment Leather Process of Calfskin

  14. 用烫金纸和小牛皮装订。

    On gilded paper bound in calfskin .

  15. 这本书用小牛皮做封面。

    The book is bound in calf .

  16. 赫斯渥脚上穿了一双黑皮鞋,是用柔软的小牛皮做的,只擦得微微发亮。

    Hurstwood 's shoes were of soft , Black calf , polished only to a dull shine .

  17. 要采集硫磺的烟气,把小牛皮放在试管里放在火上烧。

    To collect fumes of sulphur , hold a deacon over a flame in a test tube .

  18. 而仪表板,传统的铝质比赛中,在这里身披公牛小牛皮完全。

    And the dashboard , traditionally finished in brushed aluminium , is here clad entirely in bull calfskin .

  19. 小牛皮胶原对新骨形成影响的定量组织学研究

    Histologic Study for Effects of Ox Collogen in Forming of New Bone with Quantitative Method in Animal Models

  20. 一尊小牛皮大象摆件要卖58200美元,一只水晶碗的售价则相对实惠,只要1925美元。

    A calfskin elephant is $ 58,200 , while a crystal bowl is a relative bargain at $ 1,925 .

  21. 一种非常柔软的皮革,用小牛皮制成,内壁有绒面。

    A very soft leather made from the skins of calves and having a suede finish on the flesh side .

  22. 其中大多数人柔软的白手指上戴着金戒指,脚上穿着小山羊皮或小牛皮制成的十分合脚的靴子。

    Most of these persons had gold rings on their soft white fingers and glove-like kid or calfskin boots on their feet .

  23. 发光和闪光-在银色与银色小牛皮结合的树荫水晶滤网的这个小的钱包是伟大存放您丢失变动。

    Shiny and glitzy-this little purse in Silver Shade Crystal Mesh combined with silver calfskin is great to store away your lose change .

  24. 她明艳的猩红色礼服是露背款式的,被她用一根闪亮的带褶边的小牛皮宽皮带紧紧地固定着,从脖子一直延伸到腰间。

    Her vivid scarlet dress was backless , tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train , with a neckline that plunged to her waist .

  25. 斯珀尔指出,配饰或许是优雅绅士们抵御严寒天气的最有效武器:带有羊绒内衬的小牛皮手套是必备之物,还要有一条上好的围巾。

    Mr. Spurr pointed out that accessories might be the most effective weapon in an elegant gent 's weather-combatting arsenal : Cashmere-lined calfskin gloves are a must , as is a good scarf .