
shū zhá
  • letter;correspondence
书札 [shū zhá]
  • [letter] 书信

  • 见有书札托我回复

书札[shū zhá]
  1. 清代书札文献的分类与史料价值

    Classification of Documents of Letters in Qing Dynasty and Their Historical Value

  2. 可是只有少数人才知道他在《书札》中和在《十八世纪美国札记》中,曾对美国革命的激变表示惋惜。

    Far less familiar are the passages from the Letters and from Crevecoeur 's Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America in which he bewails the upheavals of the American Revolution .

  3. 清代词学理论文献的主要形式有词话、词选、论词诗词、词律词韵、序跋批注、书札专论文等。

    Qing documents of ci theories are represented by comments , selections , prefaces , epilogues , notes and essays .