
shū zhènɡ
  • documentary evidence;evidence in writing;literary proof;writing examples, showing the origin, meaning, and usage of a word or phrase
  • documented evidence
书证 [shū zhèng]
  • [documented evidence] 能够用来证明案件真实情况的文件或文字材料,也指词典中可以印证释义的语言材料

  1. 第六十三条证据有下列几种:(一)书证;

    Article 63 Evidence shall be classified as follows : ( 1 ) documentary evidence ;

  2. 出示书证、物证和视听资料;

    Presentation of documentary evidence , material evidence and audio-visual material ;

  3. 第六十八条书证应当提交原件。

    Article 68 Any document submitted as evidence must be the original .

  4. 讨论这个问题,重要的是对书证的分析。

    It is very important to analyze the textual evidence about he .

  5. 但是也存在不提供新的书证就修改,甚至修改错误的情况。

    But there are revisions without new support , even wrong changes .

  6. 陈复华主编《古代汉语词典》书证晚出例再举

    Later Documentary Evidence Occurring in Ancient Chinese Dictionary Edited by CHEN Fu-hua

  7. 此外收集言词证据和书证任务重。

    In addition to collect evidence and documentary evidence words heavy task .

  8. 提交外文书证,必须附有中文译本。

    Documentary evidence in foreign languages must be accompanied by a Chinese translation .

  9. 论书证收集的程序保障

    A Study of Documentary Evidence Collection on Procedural Safeguard

  10. 《汉语大词典》书证前补(三)

    Supplementary Corrections to the Chinese Dictionary ( 3 )

  11. 书面证言不是适格的证人证言,但却是适格的书证;

    Written testimony is not competent witnesses'testimony but it still is competent documentary evidence .

  12. 第四章对几种法定证据形式及相关规则进行了分析,分析了最佳证据规则产生的原因,认为:在我国民事诉讼中,应当赋予书证之复印件、副本、节录本完全的证据资格;

    The fourth chapter analyzed the several legal forms of evidence and their concerning rules .

  13. 民事书证调查程序研究,具有较为显著的理论意义和实践价值。

    The investigation procedures of civil documentary evidence have more significant theoretical and practical value .

  14. 书证引用是否准确,直接影响到辞书水平的高低,质量的好坏。

    Whether a quotation from classics is precise influences the level and quality of the dictionary .

  15. 书证的比较研究

    Comparative study on documentary evidence COMPARE

  16. “书证”应使得利害关系人,包括那些行政机关的监督者。

    This " paper trail " should enable interested persons , including those who oversee the agency .

  17. 单位提供的证明材料实质上是一种书证,不是证人提供的证言。

    Proof material that the unit provided is essentially a documentary , not the testimony of witnesses .

  18. 《汉语大词典》的书证与释义有不一致之处。

    There were some differences between the documented evidence and semantic items in The Grand Chinese Dictionary .

  19. 八种证据中只有物证、书证是两种独立的证据。

    Among the 8 kinds of evidence , only the material evidence and the documentary evidence are independent .

  20. 史丹佛大学海柔·马库斯:把书证读好是最重要的一件事,那是你的工作。

    HAZEL MARKUS , STANFORD UNIVERSITY : It 's the most important role . It 's your job .

  21. 对于一部《古代汉语词典》词项的释义来说,其书证的作用是不言而喻的。

    As for Chinese language interpretation of Ancient Chinese Dictionary , the documentary evidence can play an important role .

  22. 文中大量的同样来自新疆民间故事的书证材料,则为结论的信度提供了坚实的保证。

    Great deals of supporting materials from folk tales also provide solid conviction for the conclusion of the paper .

  23. 就此而言,两岸学者对书证内涵的理解是基本一致的。

    In this regard , the understanding of documentary evidence of scholars of both sides is basically the same .

  24. 非法证据主要包括非法言词证据和非法书证、物证以及毒树之果。

    Illegal evidence mainly include illegal oral evidence and illegal documents , exhibits and the fruit of the poisonous tree .

  25. 而在民事诉讼活动中,书证以其稳定性、直接性的特点又显得尤为重要。

    The documentary evidence is expressly important of the civil procedure , because of the traits of stability and directness thereof .

  26. 研究成果对《汉语大词典》佛教文献类书证的修订有重要参考价值。

    The results of this research have an important reference value for revising the citations of Buddhist literature in the Dictionary .

  27. 展示性证据的质证方法主要围绕物证来源可靠性、书证来源可靠性、视听资料来源可靠性展开。

    The methods of cross-examination for demonstrative evidence include the reliability of source of physical evidence , documentary evidence audio-visual materials .

  28. 所有规定都印在书证上面,恐怕你需付罚款了。

    All of the rules have been printed on the card , I am afraid you have to pay a fine .

  29. 《汉语大词典》书证考释&书证与释义一致性商榷

    Textual Research on the Documented Evidence in The Grand Chinese Dictionary & Discussion on the congruence between documented evidence and semantic item

  30. 分类的依据有,前人的解说,明确的书证,后人的研究发现,适当的推论。

    Their classification is based on several criteria , i.e. , previous interpretations , textual evidence , recent discoveries , and appropriate inference .