
  • 网络Victims' statements;statement of victim
  1. 第四,特殊被害人陈述收集的程序保护。

    Fourth , the special victim states the collection the program protection .

  2. 刑事诉讼中被害人陈述的运用与完善问题研究

    Application Status and Consummation of the Victim 's Statement in Criminal Suit

  3. 第三,完善被害人陈述审查之交叉询问制度。

    Third , the perfect victim states the examination the overlapping inquiry system .

  4. 第四,建立我国被害人陈述审查的对质询问制度。

    Fourth , establishes our country victims to state the examination the confrontation inquiry system .

  5. 随着法律在社会生活中的运行,被害人陈述的缺陷凸现出来。

    With the operation of the laws in social life , the victim stated defects emerged .

  6. 第二,控辩双方应均可提出被害人陈述提交审查。

    Second , controls debates both sides to be possible to propose that the victim states the submission examination .

  7. 刑事被害人陈述是我国现行刑事诉讼法规定的七种法定证据种类之一。

    Criminal victim 's testimony is one of the seven kinds of statutory evidences in China 's criminal procedural law .

  8. 文中认为:第一,证据调查顺序以被害人陈述等陈述性证据为先。

    In the article thought : First , evidence investigation order take statement evidence and so on victim statement as first .

  9. 在交叉询问结束之后,可以启动对质程序,进一步审查核实被害人陈述的客观性。

    After overlapping inquiry conclusion , may start the confrontation procedure , further examines verifies the objectivity which the victim stated .

  10. 被害人陈述的引出方式:主要有自由陈述式和问答式两种。

    The approach leading to the victim statement : there are two main approaches , that is free presentation and cross-examination .

  11. 它需要遵循法定的作证程序,与作为诉讼行为的被害人陈述存在区别。

    It requires to follow the statutory procedures , so it is different from the procedural act of the victim to state .

  12. 第二,被害人陈述收集应采取以任意为原则,以强制为例外的原则。

    Second , the victim stated that the collection should adopt take willfully as a principle , take forces as the exception principle .

  13. 在证据的实际运用中,最重要的是完善被害人陈述的立法规范,避免虚假陈述案件的发生。

    With the process of the application of evidence , the most important is improving the legislative norms of the victims to avoid mistake .

  14. 文中认为:第一,被害人陈述收集的前提是要被害人有作证资格。

    In the article thought : First , the victim stated that the collection the premise wants the victim to have testifies the qualifications .

  15. 我国注册会计师虚假陈述之原因及立法完善刑事诉讼中被害人陈述的运用与完善问题研究

    Reason and Legislative Improvement for the CPA s Misstatements in China ; Application Status and Consummation of the Victim 's Statement in Criminal Suit

  16. 第三,被害人陈述收集的主体,应赋予辩方收集被害人陈述的权利。

    Third , the victim stated that the collection the main body , should entrust with the defense to collect the right which the victim stated .

  17. 在我国,被害人陈述与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解、证人证言、鉴定结论一样,历来就是一种独立的法定证据种类。

    In China , The victim statement has always been an independent type of statutory evidence as the accused statement , the witness testimony and the expert evidence .

  18. 非法取证指采用刑讯逼供或者威胁、引诱、欺骗等非法方法取得的被告人供述、被害人陈述和证人证言以及实物证据等行为。

    " Collect evidence illegally " refers to these behaviors , collecting the defendant 's states , witnesses , and tangible evidence by torture or threaten or seducing into or cheating etc.

  19. 此部分对收集被害人陈述的前提、原则和主体三个基本问题以及收集特殊被害人陈述时的保护性程序进行了论证。

    This part to collected the premise which , the principle and the main body three basic questions as well as time the collection special victim statement protection procedure the victim stated has carried on the proof .

  20. 在中国司法实践中,证人证言和其他言词证据,例如被告人陈述、被害人陈述等,都是以案卷笔录为载体存在于刑事诉讼中的。

    At Chinese juridical practice , all the testimony and other verbal evidence just as the statement of the accused and the statement of the victim appear in the contentious procedure in the form of investigation files in which they are recorded .

  21. 此部分具体从被害人陈述的概念、特征、价值和被害人陈述的法律地位出发,对被害人陈述的一些基本理论问题做了一个梳理。

    The legal status which from the victim this part makes concrete states the concept which , the characteristic , the value and the victim stated to embark , stated some elementary theory question to the victim to make one to comb .

  22. 其范围与原则包括以刑讯逼供或者威胁、引诱、欺骗等非法的方法收集的犯罪嫌疑人供述、被害人陈述、证人证言,应绝对排除,不得作为定案的根据;

    Its range and principle including : in order to extort a confession by torture or threaten , whether seduce into , cheat illegal suspect that method collect state , statement , witness 's testimony of injured party should be got rid of definitely .

  23. 尽管我国刑事诉讼法对于被害人陈述作为独立证据种类的规定至今亦有30余年,但是被害人陈述的研究仍未能挣脱于证人证言的理论范畴。

    Although our country Law of Criminal Procedure regarding the victim stated that takes the independent evidence type the stipulation also to have 30 remaining years of life until now , but the victim stated the research had still not been able to work loose in witness testimony theory category .

  24. 我国被害人陈述的质证方式应当是:在被害人自由陈述后,按照申请传唤被害人作证的主体确定先行发问者,再由其他诉讼参与者轮流询问被害人。

    The confrontation mode of the victim statement in China should be : after the victim states freely , the first questioner should be determined in accordance with the subject who apply the victim to testify , and then the other participants in the proceedings question the victim in turn .

  25. 这位几近崩溃的母亲在被害人影响陈述中表示,她的孩子们从来没有做错任何事情。

    The devastated mother said in her victim impact statement that her children had never done anything wrong .

  26. 被害人虚假陈述是指被害人明知自己陈述的内容违背客观事实,与其亲身体验不符,仍然作证陈述的行为。

    The false statement of the victim refers to the behavior which the victim knows that the content of his statement is against the objective facts , and inconsistent with his experience , but he still makes a statement .

  27. 第五,被害人庭前书面陈述的审查。

    Fifth , before victim courtyard , written statement examination .

  28. 精神病被害人证人资格及其陈述的证明力探析

    On the Witness Qualification of a Victim with Mental Disease and the Weight of His / Her Testimony

  29. 被害人作证的证据形式即被害人陈述,是记载被害人作证内容的法定证据种类。

    The form of evidence for the victim to testify , that is to say , the victim statement , is the type of statutory evidence documenting the content of the victim to testify .