
  • 网络passive aggressive;Passive attack
  1. 和BD相比,ABD不仅能抵抗被动攻击还能抵抗主动攻击。

    Compared with BD , ABD can resist not only passive attack but also active attack .

  2. 然后结合密码学知识和洋葱路由工作原理,以防范主动攻击和被动攻击为前提,改进已有的移动Agent安全检测协议,提出了一种更完善的移动Agent安全检测协议;

    Then actual mobile agent security detecting protocol is improved by combining the cryptography knowledge and the principle of onion route in order to keep away active attack and passive attack , a new perfect mobile agent security detecting protocol is proposed ;

  3. 基于强DH假设,证明了一个方案对于被动攻击是防止冒充安全的,另一个方案对于主动和并行攻击是防止冒充安全的。

    Without random oracle , one ID-based identification scheme is secure against impersonation under passive attack and the other one is secure against impersonation under active and concurrent attack .

  4. 被动攻击型电邮还是踢皮球的绝佳方法。

    Passive aggressive email is also perfect for passing the buck .

  5. 有时,我们可以用同样的方式来回应被动攻击。

    Sometimes it is possible to respond to passive aggression in kind .

  6. 这是一种完美的被动攻击型回复。

    This was the perfect passive aggressive response .

  7. 被动攻击是一种常见的消极行为。

    Passive aggressiveness is a common turn-off .

  8. 这是最容易、最可否认且最有效的被动攻击手段。

    This is the easiest , most deniable and most effective passive aggressive ploy there is .

  9. 奥利弗是俄罗斯专家,他用带点被动攻击的口吻说道。

    Oliver is the Russia expert , he said with a hint of passive -- aggression .

  10. 哪怕他们做得并不对,这是一种被动攻击。

    You know , even when they 're wrong , it 's this passive aggressive shit .

  11. 电邮本身不会让办公室变得被动攻击——我们本来就在朝那个方向发展。

    Email alone didn 't make the office passive aggressive - we were going that way anyway .

  12. 对于电邮,我有不同的指控,它让我们都形成被动攻击型人格。

    I have a different accusation to level at email - it has made us all passive aggressive .

  13. 算法具有理想的透明性,对被动攻击具有一定的鲁棒性,对滤波、加噪等主动攻击具有很好的鲁棒性。

    The algorithm is imperceptible and is robust to passive attacks and active attacks such as filtering , nosing .

  14. 并针对被动攻击、主动攻击、密钥管理、向前和后向保密性对算法的安全性进行了分析。

    Have analysed about the security of the algorithm , such as attack voluntarily , attack passively , key management .

  15. 该方案具有:身份认证、可变密钥、抗主动和被动攻击的优点。

    It has features as follows : identity authentication , changeable communication key , secure against active and passive attack .

  16. 结论:偏执型精神分裂症患者多采用不成熟型心理防御机制,凶杀偏执型分裂症患者更多地采用不成熟型心理防御机制的被动攻击和中间型心理防御机制的反作用形成。

    Conclusion : Paranoid schizophrenics generally use immature defense mechanism , those with homicide use more passive aggression and counteraction .

  17. 如果做不到沉默,退而求其次的被动攻击诀窍是极度简洁,就像我上周遇到的那种。

    Failing silence , the next best passive aggressive trick is extreme brevity , of the sort I was subjected to last week .

  18. 改进协议实现了通信节点之间的双向认证,不但满足前向安全性、密钥认证性,还能有效抵抗被动攻击和中间人伪造攻击。

    It provides not only the capability of forward secrecy and key authentication , but also the capability against passive attack and man-in-middle attack .

  19. 尽管所有被动攻击型邮件顾名思义都可被抵赖,但辨识它们的一个很好的方法是它们往往带着不必要的客套。

    Although all passive aggressive messages are by nature deniable , a good trick for spotting them is when they come with unnecessary politeness .

  20. 该协议满足密钥独立性,并且同时满足完善前向安全性、主密钥前向安全性,以及抗主动和被动攻击等安全性。

    So the new protocol achieves key independence , and it provides perfect forward secrecy , KGC-forward secrecy and resistance to passive and active attacks as well .

  21. 抑郁性神经症患者投射、被动攻击、隔离得分明显高于焦虑症组和正常对照组,且有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Compared with anxiety neuroses and normal controls , the sores of depressive neuroses of projection , passive aggression , isolation were high ( P < 0.01 ) .

  22. 由于职场生活至少像以往那样令人恼火,因此所有的愤怒、憎恨和敌意都转到了表面下,以更恶毒的被动攻击形式重新浮现。

    As working life remained at least as enraging as it always was , all anger , resentment and hostility were pushed underground , re-emerging in the even nastier form of passive aggression .

  23. 我最近没有理会一个让我做些什么的要求,这先是招致了“一个友情提醒”,接着招致了一个典型的被动攻击型问题:“你的网断了吗?”

    I have recently been ignoring a request to do something , which prompted first " a gentle reminder " and then the gloriously passive aggressive question : " Is your internet down ? . "

  24. 同时本文提出的一次一密会话密钥算法能够抵抗被动攻击和主动攻击(主要指中间人攻击),增加了密钥分析的难度,加强了通话的安全性。

    The algorithms of one-time session keys can keep out the attack passively and attack voluntarily ( mainly mean that the man-in-the-middle attack ), and increase degree of difficulty of cryptanalysis , strengthen the security of conversing .

  25. 强迫症患者与对照组相比更多地使用被动攻击、潜意识显现、分裂、幻想、退缩等不成熟防御机制和中间型防御机制,而较少使用升华等成熟防御机制;

    Compared with the normal controls , OCD patients tended to use immature mechanism and intermediate type such as passive aggression , acting out , splitting , phantasy and withdrawl , but less use mature mechanism such as sublimation etc.

  26. 蓓蓓(隋棠饰)是那种被动攻击型的年轻女子,她对男人说话时嗲声嗲气,腿上擦破皮,就叫得像是要截肢,动不动就掉眼泪,要求越来越多的抚慰。

    Hailey ( Tang Sui ) is the kind of passive-aggressive young woman who talks in a babyish voice to men , reacts to a scratch on her leg as if it might require amputation and bursts into tears at less than the drop of a hat , demanding at higher and higher volume to be consoled .

  27. 无线局域网面临的安全威胁可归结为主动型攻击和被动型攻击两种类型。

    The security threat that Wireless Local Area Network facing may sum up as the initiative attack and the passive attack .

  28. 该方案在抵抗被动敌手攻击方案的基础上添加了可验证秘密分享和零知识证明,以抵抗主动敌手的攻击,从而具有更高的安全性。

    The scheme appends verifiable secret sharing and zero-knowledge proofs to the basic one which fits in the case of passive adversary to prevent from the action of an active adversary .

  29. 通过这些工作,本文提出的密钥管理协议最大限度避免单点失败出现、有效抵抗被动流量攻击、简化群组密钥协商、增强网络扩展性、优化网络性能。

    The Key Management protocol this paper to maximum extent avoid the failure of single node 、 efficiently defend the attack of passive flow analysis 、 simplify the key management of group 、 enhance network extension 、 optimize network performance .

  30. 根据舰舰导弹攻击时使用雷达方式的不同,可将舰舰导弹攻击主要归结为三种样式,即其他兵力引导攻击样式、被动雷达攻击样式和主动雷达发波攻击样式。

    According to different radar patterns used in ship-to-ship missile ( SSM ) attack , SSM attack patterns are mainly divided into three types , ei , attack pattern guided by the other forces , passive radar pattern and active radar emitting attack pattern .