
jiā mì
  • encryption;encipher;thicken
加密 [jiā mì]
  • (1) [encipher]∶把[一份电报]译成密电码

  • (2) [thicken]∶使比原来的致密

加密[jiā mì]
  1. “这是反加密方发起的一场全新的攻击,”奥普萨尔说。

    " This is a brand-new salvo in the war against encryption , " Mr. Opsahl said .

  2. “可与之相比的就是,20世纪90年代有关加密的争夺战,”库尔特·奥普萨尔说道,他是隐私监督组织电子前沿基金会的法律总顾问。

    " A comparison point is in the 1990s battles over encryption , " said Kurt Opsahl , general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation , a privacy watchdog group .

  3. 账户资料被加密,以保护隐私。

    Account details are encrypted to protect privacy .

  4. 双方将机密资料加密,这样对方就无法直接读取资料。

    The two parties encode confidential data in a form that is not directly readable by the other party

  5. 我们将人脑比作一台计算机,它主动寻找需要处理的信息,对其进行加密,并存储起来以便将来使用。

    We compared the human mind to a computer which actively seeks information to process , encodes it and stores it for future use .

  6. 希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。

    We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future .

  7. 接下来是生物认证,可以用指纹等加密。

    And further down the road is biometric authentication , which could be encrypted with , say , a fingerprint .

  8. 相比之下,芯片密码卡不可能被伪造或侧录,因为扫描到的信息是加密的。

    Chip-and-PIN cards , by contrast , make fake cards or skimming impossible because the information that gets scanned is encrypted .

  9. 苹果公司在这些问题上的立场是在斯诺登事件出现后形成的,在那之后,公司采用了一系列的技术,这些技术在默认情况下将使用者的薮据加密,限制他人访问。

    Apple 's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden , when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that , by default , make use of encryption to limit access to people 's data .

  10. 这项命令本质上是要求苹果公司入侵自己的设备,一旦这样做了,那么在那些并未涉及国家安全威胁的调查中,这个先例就会绕过加密技术的执法行动提供正当理由。

    The order essentially asks Apple to hack its own devices , and once it is in place , the precedent could be used to justify law enforcement efforts to get around encryption technologies in other investigations far removed from national security threats .

  11. 此软件用于对西门子S7-300加密逻辑块解密。

    The software used for Siemens S7-300 encryption logic block declassified .

  12. 协议认证试图等录上网用户的身份,并通过使用密匙密码为用户间的通信加密

    Kerberos authenticates the identity and encrypts their communications through secret-key cryptography . KERBEROS

  13. 加密和压缩的个人档案和folders.the计划是紧凑,高效和用户友好

    Encrypt and compress individual files and folders . The program is compact , efficient and user friendly .

  14. 计算机网络安全技术主要有:认证授权、数据加密、访问控制、安全审计等。

    Computer security technology includes mainly : Authentication , Encryption , Access Control , Auditing and so on .

  15. 嵌套加密方案在SET协议中的应用研究

    Application of nesting encryption technologies in SET

  16. 数据加密技术与SET协议

    Date Encryption Technique and SET Protocol

  17. SET中的核心技术主要有数据加密、数字签名、电子信封、电子安全证书等。

    The core technology in SET includes data encryption , data signature , electronic envelope and electronic secure certificate etc.

  18. Internet上的安全认证&加密与数字签名

    Encryption and Digital Signature in Internet

  19. XML加密能够处理XML和非XML(例如二进制)数据。

    XML Encryption can handle both XML and non-XML ( e.g.binary ) data .

  20. GPS在短基线控制网加密中的实践与应用

    Practice and application of GPS in short base - line net

  21. GIS空间数据水印信息隐藏与加密技术方法研究

    Technical Methods for Encrypting and Hiding Digital Watermark in GIS Spatial Data

  22. DNA计算与数据加密标准

    DNA Computing and Data Encryption Standards

  23. 并且XML签名和XML加密是安全web服务(WebServices)中一系列规范的基础,所以保证XML的安全对整个Web的发展都起着至关重要的作用。

    Furthermore , XML signature and XML Encryption are the base of a series of Web Services specification .

  24. XML加密提供各种选项。

    XML Encryption offers various options .

  25. Logistic映射在图像加密中的应用

    The Application of Logistic Mapping on Encryption and Decipher for Image

  26. 远程服务器不能使用WINNT加密密码。

    The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password .

  27. Hill2密码体系加密过程中的哑元问题

    The Design of Dummy Variable in Hill_2 Coding System

  28. Logistic混沌序列加密改进方案

    An Improved Approach of Logistic Chaotic Series Encryption

  29. PE可执行文件RSA验证加密机制的分析

    Analysis of RSA Verifying and Encrypting of PE Executable File

  30. VISUALFOXPRO中数据的加密和解密

    Encryption and Decryption of Data in Visual Foxpro