
mì mǎ jī
  • cipher machine;cryptograph
  1. 同步流密码机中E1接口的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of E1 network interface in synchronized class cipher machine

  2. 分析了链路密码机数据流量产生变化的原因及其造成的危害。

    Causation and endangerment of data flow changing in link cipher machine are analyzed .

  3. 本论文在介绍网络安全问题、网络安全解决方案、VPN关键技术、功能与特点之后,重点设计了安全、实用、易用和先进的VPN网络密码机系统体系结构。

    This thesis introduces problems and solutions of network security , VPN technology , VPN functions and merits . A safe , practical , convenient and advanced VPN architecture is designed .

  4. 通过研究现有的数字式语音密码机原理和结构,提出了单芯片语音密码机的整体构思和各部分组成,并选择MELP算法作为单芯片语音密码机中的语音压缩算法。

    The design of the single-chip voice cipher is presented , based on studying the principle and whole structure of the traditional voice cipher .

  5. 单芯片语音密码机中的语音压缩算法的研究

    Research of Speech Coding in Voice Cipher of Single - chip

  6. 客户须交回旧密码机予本行。

    Customers are required to return the old token to the bank .

  7. 单芯片语音密码机的加解密算法与算法调度的实现研究

    Research of Realizing Algorithm of Encryption and Scheduling in Single-Chip Voice Cipher

  8. 那原来是德国著名的恩尼格玛密码机。

    It turned out to be Germany 's famous Enigma coding machine .

  9. 实现了单芯片语音密码机中的语音编解码。

    The MELP algorithm in the voice cipher of single-chip is implemented successfully .

  10. 同步链路密码机中的流量控制技术

    Flow Control in Synchronous Link Cipher Machine

  11. 如要移除批核人,客户须交回密码机予本行。

    To delete authorizer , customers are required to return the token to the bank .

  12. 针对信息安全问题,提出了一种网络密码机系统。

    For the problem of information security , a system of network cipher machine was designed .

  13. 从价值数百万英镑的银行保卫系统到普通的密码机皆是如此。

    From the million-pound security system at the bank to the PIN machine you took exception to .

  14. 后来,第3特别通信组的工作还包括了制造供英国最高领导使用的洛克凯斯注密码机,

    SCU3 had further taken under its wing the manufacture of the cryptographic system Rockex , which was to be used for top-grade British telegraph signals .

  15. 这些问题还都有待于研究,因为德国密码机只触及了问题的皮毛。

    All these questions remained to be explored , for the exigencies of the German cipher machines had barely scratched the surface of what could be done .

  16. 第二时期:机器时代、电子时代时期,工业革命后,电子密码机的产生,使加密手段更加优秀、复杂,同时也使加密效率远远提高。

    The second period : machine period , after the industrial revolution . With the cipher produced , the means to create more fine and complicated , but also improve efficiency .

  17. 尽管它的目标是德国密码机,但其指令表的灵活性,使它可以很轻松地摇身一变成为数字乘法机。

    Even though a parasite on the German cipher machine , the flexibility offered by its instruction table facility was such that it could even be ' almost ' set up to perform numerical multiplication .

  18. 艾伦把乘法密码机告诉了辰,还告诉肖恩他被征募和暑期培训的事,

    Alan had mentioned the multiplying cipher idea to Champ , but he told Shaun about the summer course , saying that he had put his name forward to the authorities as a possible recruit .

  19. 他的单车也很独特,需要进行一个周期性的计数,每当转到一定的圈数,一个弯曲的轮辐就会碰到一个特定的链节(就像密码机似的),以防止掉链子。

    The bicycle itself was unique , since it required the counting of revolutions until a certain bent spoke touched a certain link ( rather like a cipher machine ) , when action would have to be taken to prevent the chain coming off .

  20. 针对传统密码机体积大、造价高、效率低下问题,本课题提出了单芯片语音密码机,它是集成化及语音编码、调制解调和加密技术的完美结合。

    Traditional cipher is big volume , low in efficiency , and also cost high , all these problems have brought forward the single-chip voice cipher , integrative technology and speech coder-decoder , cryptology and modem technology would be well combined in a single-chip voice cipher .

  21. 摩斯密码练习机的木头粘著必须要细心小心,同学们都能热心的互相帮忙。

    The wooden parts of the morse key had to be carefully glued into position , so students helped each other .

  22. 完成摩斯密码练习机制作,学生们对电脑软体能把练习机按出的「哔哔」声转换成英文字母并呈现在萤幕上,感到惊讶。

    Those who made the morse key were surprised that computer software could turn the " beep beep beeps " back into English letters .

  23. 访问控制技术是实现安全文件系统的核心技术,通过密码校验机和强制访问控制策略等多安全策略集,实现用户对系统信息资源的可控访问。

    Access control technology is the kernel of secure file system , which provides the access to system resources via password verifier , mandatory access control policy and multi-security policy set .

  24. 在很多涉及信息安全的系统中,人们采用了诸如高速数据密码卡、密码机、智能卡、USBKEY等硬件密码设备来提高密码运算速度和系统的安全性。

    In many fields related to information security , people use Hardware Cryptographic System , such as cryptographic processor 、 cryptographic accelerator 、 smartcard or USB key , to provide high speed data operation and to improve the security of the whole system .

  25. 应该删除这些密码,否则客户机可能会选用它们。

    You should remove those ciphers or a client might select one of them .

  26. 很多人都经历过“密码疲劳”,记住大量的密码已经成为人们日常生活的一部分,比如上班时的电脑登录密码,解车锁密码,ATM机操作密码等等。

    Password fatigue1 is the feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an excessive number of passwords as part of their daily routine , such as to logon to a computer at work , undo2 a bicycle lock or conduct banking3 from an automated4 teller5 machine ( ATM ) .