
  • 网络Ole Miss;the university of mississippi
  1. 1995年,USPTO为密西西比大学医学中心使用姜黄粉作为伤口治疗药物授予了一项专利。

    In1995 , the USPTO granted a patent to the University of Mississippi Medical Center for the use of turmeric powder as a wound-healing agent .

  2. 我也要感谢今晚容纳我们的密西西比大学。

    I also want to thank the University of Mississippi for hosting us tonight .

  3. 有趣的是,研究人员发现,这种相关性在40岁至65岁人群中最强。密西西比大学的健康与运动科学助理教授保罗·罗普林茨(PaulLoprinzi)认为,这表明,要是你不想让端粒缩短,中年可能是开始或者坚持锻炼计划的关键时段。

    Interestingly , these associations were strongest among people between the ages of 40 and 65 , the researchers found , suggesting that middle age may be a key time to begin or maintain an exercise program if you wish to keep telomeres from shrinking , says Paul Loprinzi ,

  4. 今年将举行三场候选人辩论,从九月26号在密西西比大学开始。

    Three presidential debates are scheduled , beginning September 26 at the University of Mississippi .

  5. 1963年,詹姆斯梅瑞狄斯成为第一个从密西西比大学毕业的黑人。

    In 1963 , James Meredith became the first black to graduate from the University of Mississippi .

  6. 主持人:晚上好,这里是牛津密西西比大学的表演艺术中心。我是来自公共广播公司《新闻时间》的吉姆.拉勒尔。

    LEHRER : Good evening from the Ford Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Mississippi in Oxford .

  7. 其次感谢美国密西西比大学昨天访问本小店,对本站的支持,谢谢。

    Secondly thank the University of Mississippi of the United States yesterday to visit this small store and support this site , thank you .

  8. 时间来到今天,已经成为美国密西西比大学的一名医科生的马伦已然荣登世界记忆力锦标赛冠军的宝座。

    Fast-forward to today and Mullen , a medical student at the University of Mississippi , has just been crowned the World Memory Champion .

  9. 密西西比大学新闻学教授萨米尔?胡斯尼表示,《花花公子》的“裸体禁令”可能使流失的读者数量超过了吸引的读者数量。

    Samir Husni , a journalism professor at the University of Mississippi , said Playboy 's ban on nudity had probably alienated more readers than it attracted .

  10. 不过麦凯恩坚持自己暂停总统竞选活动的决定,并呼吁推迟周五在密西西比大学举行的第一次总统辩论。

    But McCain stood by his decision to suspend his presidential campaign and a call to delay Friday 's first presidential debate at the University of Mississippi .

  11. 下星期五是总统选举下一个重要的日子,届时奥巴马和麦凯恩将在密西西比大学展开首场总统候选人辩论。

    The next major point in the presidential race comes a week from Friday when candidates Obama and McCain meet at the University of Mississippi in the first in a series of three presidential debates .

  12. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  13. 5个亲本与其6个杂交组合F2和F3种植在美国密西西比州立大学农业试验站。

    The five parents and six F_2 and F_3 hybrids were evaluated at Mississippi State University for three years .

  14. 这是密西西比州大学农业和生命科学学院的网站。

    This is the website for Mississippi State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .

  15. 1962年的今天,黑人学生詹姆斯。梅雷迪思在密西西比州大学的第四次系统寄存器实验成功。

    In1962 , black student James Meredith succeeded on his fourth try in registering for classes at the University of Mississippi .

  16. 布朗系昆虫学和植物病理学,密西西比州立大学的题为“近场声通信的蚂蚁”。

    Brown , Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology , Mississippi State University entitled " Nearfield acoustic communication by ants " .

  17. 对卡梅伦来说,密西西比州立大学对抗西部肯塔基州大学的比赛是他第一次观看篮球赛。

    For Cameron , the match between the teams Mississippi Valley State University and Western Kentucky University is the first experience of watching basketball .

  18. 我:我要去密西西比州立大学,英语二外中心,学习英语和美国文化4周。

    Me : I will go to the Mississippi State University , the ESL Center , to learn English and American Culture 4 weeks .

  19. 伊莉斯·尼克尔斯来自密西西比河边的圣克鲁大学。

    Elise Nichols . St. Cloud State on the Mississippi .

  20. 可是原来有很多政客都接受过啦啦队训练,比如:密西西比州参议员布拉德·科克伦,在五十年代他凭投票结果当上密西西比大学的啦啦队队长。

    But who knew so many politicians had on the squad training , like Mississippi Senator Brad Cochrane , a cheerleader for the University of Mississippi back in the fifties by popular vote .