
  • 网络kick-off;Project Initiation;Initiation of the program
  1. 建筑电子商务项目启动评估可行性研究

    Electronic Commerce Project Initiation Feasibility Assessment in Construction Companies

  2. 项目启动阶段是项目实施全过程的的一个重要环节,其核心内容之一是可行性评估。

    Project initiation is one of key phases in the whole process of project implementation . Its core content is feasibility assessment .

  3. 项目启动之初,凡事能简则简,千万不要一头扎入冗长的Word文档中。

    Keep things as simple as possible at the start of a project , and by all means do not start writing lengthy Word documents .

  4. 项目启动后,应该可以在IM客户机上看到它上线。

    The project starts , and you should be able to see it come online in your IM client .

  5. 一个意义更加深远的案例可能是在项目启动时均衡EA和AM。

    A more profound case would be starting a project with the balance of EA and AM * .

  6. 康奈尔科技学院的院长丹尼尔·P·胡滕洛赫尔(DanielP.Huttenlocher)表示,看到西雅图地区这个项目启动,他感到很兴奋。

    Daniel P. Huttenlocher , the dean of Cornell Tech , said he was excited to see the institute in the Seattle area get off the ground .

  7. 结论GAVI项目启动后取得显著效果。

    Conclusion After implementing the GAVI project , effect of immunization has been proceed remarkably .

  8. 当项目启动时,您的项目领导会利用RUPBuilder和与您项目相关的流程插件配置基础流程框架。

    As a project is initiated , your project lead can configure the base process framework using RUP Builder and process plug-ins that are relevant for your project .

  9. 同样,所有由Flamingo产生的服务器和客户端组件立马就可使用,减少了项目启动时间。

    Also , all wiring of server and client components is performed by Flamingo out of the box , which reduces project startup time .

  10. 同时,FRIULFILIERE公司还提供专项技术、项目启动及技术协助,承担机械、模具和材料测试,帮助客户提高和优化产品质量。

    FRIUL FILIERE also supplies : know-how , start up , technical assistance , carries on tests on machines , dies and materials in order to improve and optimise the quality of its products .

  11. 在项目启动之前,要将这支队伍聚集在一起。

    The team should be put together before the project starts .

  12. 世界银行中小企业发展项目启动

    World Bank : Development Program for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Starts Off

  13. 论投资项目启动式开发战略

    On Development Strategy of Initiative Mode of Investment Project

  14. 项目启动后产生了其他资金支出

    Makes additional capital expenditures after the project has started

  15. 这时你就可以突然拿出在项目启动会议上做的记录了。

    This is where you whip out your notes from that initial meeting .

  16. 亚行贷款山西环境改善项目启动

    ADB - Funded Shanxi Environment Improvement Project Initiated

  17. 华洋高科新药项目启动阶段管理研究

    The Study of Starting Phase Management in the New Medicine Project of Huayang High-Tech Company

  18. 新项目启动后的项目管理,协助进行项目小组的组建。

    The project management when new project launch , assist to set up the project team .

  19. 我想是从这个项目启动开始。

    I think since its start .

  20. 虽然此项目启动时此服务可用不过并没有许诺。

    There is no promise though if the titles will be available for the PSP during launch .

  21. 加强中国死刑案件辩护项目启动研讨会在京举行

    Program launching seminar on strengthening the defense in cases pertaining to death penalty in China held in Beijing

  22. 2010年8月该项目启动当天,开发商就成功预售出了218套住房中的148套。

    The day the project launched , in August 2010 , developers presold 148 of its 218 units .

  23. 如果你将参加语言课程在开普敦志愿者项目启动前,请按照指示到达的课程。

    Volunteers arrive at their accommodation in Cape Town on the Thursday in the week before the project starts .

  24. 向管理层报告任何项目启动中可能导致目标无法实现的感知缺陷。

    Reporting to management any perceived deficiencies in a program launch before failure to achieve a target is realized .

  25. 看看项目启动文章你会了解作者们在做什么。

    Take a look through the project launch post and you 'll see what the authors are going for .

  26. 出乎意料的是,她吸引了79位合伙人,共筹得41万元人民币的项目启动资金。

    Unexpectedly , she attracted 79 partners from the Internet , and 410,000 yuan in total to start the project .

  27. 诸如一家小商铺规模的商业用电消费者将自项目启动的2013年起每年增加240美元的电费。

    Small commercial electric consumers such as a small storefront would be charged an additional $ 240 annually starting in2013 .

  28. 如果你想做创意探索性研究,你必须在项目启动前做。

    If you want to do creative study , you have to do it before the launching of the project .

  29. 当项目启动时,就应该分配预留的经费用以对设计进行完整的归档。

    The budget to completely archive a design should be set aside in management reserve when a project is started .

  30. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示当在生成过程中有新项目启动时记录器是否显示消息。

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the logger will display messages when new projects are started during the build .