
Xiànɡ yǔ
  • Xiang Yu;chief rival of Liu Bang
项羽 [xiàng yǔ]
  • [Xiang Yu] (前 232-前202) 秦下相(今江苏宿迁西南)人,名籍,字羽,楚国贵族出身。秦二世元年(前 209 年)从叔父项梁在吴中(今江苏苏州)起义,项梁战死后他杀宋义,率军渡河救赵,巨鹿一战摧毁章邯的秦军主力。秦亡后称西楚霸王,实行分封制,封六国贵族为王。后与刘邦争做帝王,进行了四年的楚汉战争,公元前 202 年兵败,在垓下(今安徽灵壁南)乌江边自杀

  1. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  2. 在熵这一项上,当A和B项羽并混合。

    And this entropy term here , when A and B come together and start mixing up .

  3. 项羽的这一做法使诸侯割据的局面更为恶化。

    The allocations of Xiang Yu aggravated the separatist vassal regime .

  4. 很快他的势力便超过了项羽。

    Soon he got a better hank over Xiang Yu .

  5. 楚汉之争指项羽和刘邦之间的战争。

    It refers to the war between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang .

  6. 这时,项羽手下的兵士已经很少,粮食又没有了。

    He had lost most of his soldiers and run out of food .

  7. 三是刘邦对项羽分封的不满。

    Third , Liu Bang are not satisfied with the feudality from Shiang Yu .

  8. 这时,项羽有士卒40万人,刘邦只有10万人,刘邦被迫求和。

    Only having 100 000 men , Liu Bang was forced to sue for peace .

  9. 项羽军队占领了秦都,处死了秦朝最后一个皇帝。

    Xiang Yu 's forces captured the Qin capital and executed the last Qin emperor .

  10. 试论项羽双重型的悲剧性格

    On Tragic Dual Character of Xiang Yu

  11. 项羽的失败意味着中国贵族统治的结束。

    Xiana Yu 's defeat signaled the end of the old aristocratic ruling in China .

  12. 基于波士顿矩阵的项羽集团人力资源管理研究

    Research on Human Resources Reform of Xiang Yu Group Based on the Boston Matrix Theory

  13. 但刘邦被迫将咸阳和子婴拱手让给项羽。

    But Liu Bang was forced to hand over Xianyang and Ziying to Xiang Yu .

  14. 项羽垓下突围南驰乌江路线考察报告

    Investigation Report on the Route of Xiang Yu 's Gaixia Breakout Southward to the Wujiang River

  15. 然而,刘邦意识到自己的军事力量远不及项羽,

    However , Liu Bang realized that he was inferior lo Xiang Yu in military force .

  16. 项羽想要成为一统全国的皇帝。

    Xiang Yu had the intention of becoming an emperor with control over the entire country .

  17. 然而,刘邦的行为与名气招致了项羽的嫉妒。

    However , Liu Bang 's actions and fame were the source of Xiang Yu 's envy .

  18. 公元前206年一月末,项羽杀死子婴并火烧咸阳的宫殿,

    Xiang Yu then killed Ziying and burned down the palace in the end of January 206 B.C.

  19. 202年,项羽战败,但宁死不降。

    In 202 Xiang Y ü 's forces were overwhelmed , and he chose suicide rather than capture .

  20. 项羽自立为西楚霸王,取原楚国领地。

    Hsiang Yu took the old territory of Ch'u and reserved for himself the title of hegemon king .

  21. 项羽的英雄气概,特别是最后决战时期表现出来的,在中国故事和诗歌中得到赞誉。

    His heroism , especially during the final battle , has been glorified in Chinese stories and poetries .

  22. 项羽认为他的政权来自于楚人的支持与杰出的军事才能,故他的统治带有鲜明的地区色彩和军事色彩;

    XIANG Yu though that his political power stem from the Chu people 's support and outstanding military ability ;

  23. 在角逐统治中国的权力的时候,项羽是汉朝开国皇帝刘邦的主要竞争对手。

    He was the principal contestant for control of China with Liu Bang , the founder of the Han Dynasty .

  24. 当项羽宣称自己是楚国的君主时,刘邦意识到自己的身份比项羽低微,

    When Xiang Yu proclaimed himself the King of Chu , Liu Bang realized that he was inferior to Xiang Yu

  25. 楚怀王命宋义为上将、项羽为次将率兵北上救赵。

    Prince of Chu , sent Xiang Yu as the second-in-command to Song Yi in an ex-peditory force to relieve Zhao .

  26. 但是战场上的胜利证明项羽将军是正确的,社会学研究的年报也支持他的做法。

    But General Xiang Yu would be vindicated , both on the battlefield and in the annals of social science research .

  27. 项羽劝他迅速进兵,同赵军里应外合,一举击败秦军。

    Xiang Yu persuaded him to move , collaborating with the Zhao army to conquer the Qin forces at one stroke .

  28. 公元前206年至前202年,刘邦与项羽多次交战。

    From 206 B. C. to 202 B. C. , Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were at war for many times .

  29. 潘军的中篇小说《重瞳》为读者创造出一个与历史文本中的项羽迥然不同的艺术形象。

    In his medium length novel , PAN Jun creates an artistic image completely different from XIANG YU described in historical books .

  30. 项王故里位于宿城古梧桐巷,为西楚霸王项羽的出生地。

    The native place of Xiang Yu is located at the ancient wotong lane , birthplace of the overlord in the West Chu period .