
  • 网络Currency reform;monetary reform;MONETARYREFORM
  1. 白银外交和币制改革:绝处逢生的双赢游戏

    Silver Diplomatic and Monetary Reform : A Double-win Game

  2. 这个国家进行了币制改革。

    Monetary reform has been made in this country .

  3. 绝大多数委员赞成实行币制改革。

    An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform .

  4. 白银危机与中国币制改革

    The Silver Crisis and the Reform of Chinese Monetary System

  5. 略论国民政府1935年的币制改革

    A Brief Statement of Monetary System Reform by the National Government in 1935

  6. 高拱的惠商政策和币制改革

    On the Preferential Trade Policies and the Currency System Reform Carried by Gao Gong

  7. 对币制改革的法律保护表现为禁止性法律规范的颁布和实施。

    The monetary reforms were protected by the enforcement of the prohibitive legal norms .

  8. 上海银行公会与近代中国币制改革述评

    Comments on Shanghai Bankers ' Association and the Reformation of Currency Systems in Modern China

  9. 币制改革是高拱主持隆庆朝大改革的重要内容。

    The monetary reform was an important task hosted by Gaogong in Jiajing and Longqing dynasties .

  10. 南京政府币制改革在中美关系中的作用

    The Action of the Monetary Policy Reform of Nanjing Government on the Relationship Between America and China

  11. 英美日三国与国民政府的币制改革

    Paper Currency Reform of National Government and the Reaction of Great Britain , the United States and Japan

  12. 中国货币金融问题与国际经济关系&20世纪30年代币制改革的历史考察

    The Relationship Between Chinese Finance and International Economy & Reviewing the History of Reform of Monetary System in 1930s

  13. 20世纪30年代中国币制改革与美、英、日三国的态度

    The 1930 's Reformation of Chinese Currency System and the Attitudes of America , Britain and Japan towards It

  14. 南京国民政府的币制改革最终未能完成稳定币值的历史任务。

    The historic mission of stabilizing currency value has not been completed eventually by the monetary reforms of Nanjing .

  15. 论西方大国对国民政府币制改革的反响及其成因

    On the responses of western countries to the reform in the monetary system in the national goverment and their causes

  16. 亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。

    Aristoteles and Plutarcus first explicitly recorded Soloon 's currency system reform , regarding currency units and conversion relations between them .

  17. 一直对中国有着重大影响的美、英、日三国针对中国的危机所持的不同态度,直接影响到了中国币制改革的成败。

    The different attitudes of America , Britain and Japan , who had great influence on China , directly affected the success of the reformation of currency system .

  18. 本文通过对20世纪30年代中国币制改革的历史考察,指出这场改革不仅是货币制度问题,更是国际经济关系问题。

    By reviewing the history of Chinese monetary reform in the 1930s , this paper points out that the reform related not only to monetary system but also to international economy .

  19. 为了促进银行业快速发展,上海银行公会成立后就尝试采取多种措施、通过多种途径促进币制改革,希望最大限度地参与政府相关政策的制定。

    To hasten the development of Chinese banks , Shanghai Bankers ' Association tried to take various measures to promote the reformation of currency systems , hoping to be involved in the government formulation of relevant policies .

  20. 为防止白银外流,统一币制,规范金融秩序,稳定经济形势,1935年国民政府进行了币制改革。

    In order to prevent against outflow of silver , unite monetary system , normalize financial order and stabilize economic situation , the national government made a monetary system reform in 1935 , a signal for modernization of monetary system .