
Liú Xiù
  • founder of Later/ Eastern Han dynasty;reigned as Guangwu Di
  1. 此时,刘秀在河北进展得相当顺利。

    Meanwhile , Liu Xiu was successful in his activities in Hebei .

  2. 光武帝刘秀登基后战争仍不断发生。

    War continued after Liu Xiu , Emperor Guangwu , claimed the throne .

  3. 本文的第三部分,则主要讨论了刘秀在河北的活动。

    The third part of this text , discuss beautiful activity in Hebei Liu mainly .

  4. 刘秀是中国的帝王中极少同时具有军事和国家大事天赋的人之一。

    Liu Xiu was one of the few Chinese emperors with talent for handling both military and civil affairs .

  5. 王莽撵刘秀民间传说的源流及类型

    The Source and Types of the Folk Stories about " WANG Mang pursuing and wiping out LIU Xiu "

  6. 王莽、刘秀作为儒者型的帝王,也都选择儒学作为施政理论。

    Wang Mang , Liu Xiu as the Confucian scholar kings , also all chose Confucianism to take the administration theory .

  7. 南阳画像石的艺术成因:A、南阳作为东汉开国皇帝刘秀的故乡,皇亲遍布、权贵云集。

    Nanyang was the hometown of emperor Liu Xiu , the first ruler of the East Han Dynasty and his relatives .

  8. 刘秀乘机北上,率军到河北各地,图谋发展自己的势力。

    Taking opportunity of it , Liu Xiu led the army to Hebei to conquer fields with an intention to enlarge in his own influence .

  9. 刘秀收集了数千人,突人王莽军的指挥中心,莽军大乱。

    He mustered a unit of several thousand men , and then raided on the Wang * s headquarters , which disturbed the enemies greatly .

  10. 刘皇室的远亲刘秀在地主和商人的支持下带头反抗王莽。

    A distant relative of Liu royalty , Liu Xiu , led the revolt against Wang Mang with the support of the landholding families and merchants .

  11. 西汉后期发展起来的谶纬迷信,经东汉光武帝刘秀的提倡,这时已发展成为官方统治思想。

    Developed in the late Western Han Chen Wei superstition , by the advocates of the Eastern Han Guangwu , then developed into the official governing philosophy .

  12. 而刘秀集团因灵活多变的招降活动方式和善于创造招降活动的外在条件而获益匪浅。

    But Liu Xiu bloc took good advantage of calling on enemy to surrender because of their flexible means of calling on enemy to surrender and creating good extrinsic condition of activities .

  13. 他逐步摆脱了刘玄的控制,扩大自己的势力。公元25年,刘秀称帝,史称汉光武帝。

    He gradually detached himself from Liu Xuan and extended his own influence , so that in 25 , he proclaimed himself emperor and is known in history as Emperor Guang Wu .

  14. 建武十六年(公元40年),刘秀下令重铸五铢钱,废除了一切旧币,消除了货币混乱的局面,促进了商业的发展。

    In 40 , Liu Xiu decreed to recast 5-zhu - coin with the abolition of the old currency , which got rid of the disordered currency and promoted the economic development .

  15. 不久之后,大汉皇室的一员——刘秀,重新建立了汉朝政权,也就是我们所知道的东汉(公元25年至220年)。

    Very soon after , Liu Xiu , a member of the Han imperial family , reestablished Han supremacy through what has become known as the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25 ---- 220 A.D. ) .

  16. 从刘秀这一历史人物的阶级出身,历史人物与农民革命的关系,中国古代封建君主一类的历史人物向豪强地主妥协诸方面,可以看出刘秀在其一生中是发展变化的。

    Class ranks of historical figures , the relations between historical figures and peasant revolutions , the compromise between historical figures from feudal monarches and tyrannical landlords indicate that historical figures are changing all their lives .