
  1. 袁绍出兵经长期围攻重新占据东郡大部。

    Yuan Shao dispatched troops to occupy most of Dongjun after a long time siege .

  2. 袁绍、曹操后来走向公开分裂,此次兖州之战也埋下伏笔。

    The battle of Yanzhou foreshadowed the open cleavage of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao later .

  3. 何进一旦失去了利用价值,马上便被袁绍等人出卖,惨死在宦官手中。

    Hejin was then betrayed by Yuan Shao and his followers once he was longer valuable and assassinated by the eunuchs .

  4. 袁军仓皇北逃,其后袁绍一蹶不振,两年后,袁绍病死,二子争位,曹操加以利用。

    Two years later , Yuan Shao died , his two sons fought against each other over the inheritance , and Cao Cao took advantage of the confusion .

  5. 袁绍、曹操、孙权、刘备具有不同的个体人格,这种人格影响着他们身边人才的聚合离散。

    Yuan Chao , Cao Cao , Sun Quan and Liu Bei are different in personal character , which exerts influence on the coming and going of the personnel around them .

  6. 孙权字仲谋,三国吴国的创建者,其父孙坚是效忠袁绍的大将,和刘表作战时被杀,其兵力被袁绍接管。

    His father Sun Jian , a general in the service of Yuan Shu , was killed in campaign a-gainst Liu Biao and his forces were largely taken over by Yuan Shu .

  7. 几年后,约在194年,孙坚19岁的儿子孙策跟随袁绍作战,袁绍将孙坚的一些旧部分给孙策用来镇守长江以南。

    But a few years later , about 194 , his son Sun Ce , then aged nineteen , took service with Yuan Shu . He was given command of some of the soldiers who had followed his father , and was sent to be in charge of the defence in south of the Yangtze River .

  8. 袁绍的势力主要在黄河以北;向南,在淮河和黄河之间,有袁术、曹操、徐州太守陶谦、西北的吕布和刘备。

    Yuan Shao extended his power to the north of the Yellow River , while in further south , between the Yellow River and the Huai River , there was a tense and vicious conflict between Yuan Shu , Cao Cao , and Tao Qian , the Governor of Xu province , Lu Bu from the northwest and Liu Bei ,