
  • 网络Sima Rui;Shay Smart
  1. 东晋王朝,实际上是王导和司马睿共同掌握的。

    Virtually , it was a joint ruling of Sima Rui and Wang Dao in the Eastern Jin govern-ment .

  2. 司马睿、王导以全据江南作为立国的首要目标,以统一南北为最终目标,为此贯彻的是先南后北的统一路线。

    The objective of Si-Ma Rui and Wang Dao was to build a country in South China firstly and reoccupy North China and unify the whole china as the final object .

  3. 司马睿在登基大典上,几次请王导和他一起坐上宝座,接受群臣拜贺,王导谢绝。

    Upon the ceremony of ascending the throne , Sima Rui repeatedly invited Wang Dao to sit together with him , which meant the sharing of authority , and was declined by the latter .

  4. 公元317年,镇守建康(今江苏南京)的晋宗室司马睿在江南重建晋室,史称东晋。

    In 317 , Sima Rui , a member of the Western Jin imperial family stationed in Jiankang ( now Nanjing in Jiangsu ) , restablished the Jin government , which became known as the Eastern Jin .

  5. 司马睿称帝有赖于南方官僚士族的拥戴,东晋政权建立之初,先后平息了王敦和苏峻之乱,统治趋于稳定。

    Without the support of the southern bureaucrats and gentry-officials , Sima Rui could not have become emperor . The early years of the Eastern Jin saw a stable period after the suppression of Wang Dun and Su Jun.

  6. 317年,晋王室的一员——司马睿在建康(今天的江苏省南京)称帝,重建了晋政权,也就是我们所知道的东晋王朝(317——420)。

    In 317 , Sima Rui , a member of the Jin royal family stationed in Jiankang ( present city of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province ) , re-established Jin supremacy , through what has become known as the Eastern Jin Dynasty ( 317 - 420 ) .

  7. 晋元帝司马睿,司马懿曾孙,袭父封为琅蚜王,都督扬州江南诸军事,由下邳移镇建邺(后又改名建康,今江苏省南京市)。

    Sima Rui , the great grandson of Sima Yi , granted as the King of Langya from his father , was in charge of the defense in south of Yangzhou ( now Jiangsu province ) and moved his headquarters from Xiapi to Jianye ( later called Jiankang , now Nanjing City ) .

  8. 司马睿十分感激王导,任他为宰相,执掌朝政,让王导的堂兄王敦都督军事,握有重兵,控制军权,其他重要的官职,大多数也由王导家族担任。

    Out of gratitude , Wang Dao was assumed the position of the chief Minister in control of the court and Wang Dun , the half brother of Wang Dao , grasped the power of army forces and defense . Besides , other main posts in court were in the hands of Wang 's families as well .