
Wánɡ xī zhī
  • Wang xizhi; most famous early calligrapher
  1. 王羲之是中国古代一位伟大的书法家。

    Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in ancient Chiina .

  2. 日本的K.王羲之书法与日本平假名的产生

    Study results given by K. Wang Xi-zhi 's Handwriting and the Birth of Japanese Hiragana

  3. 所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。TTU标模及平顶罩棚类低矮建筑的风洞试验研究

    Almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi . Wind-Tunnel Investigation of TTU Standard Model and the Flat Canopied Low-rise Buildings

  4. 休闲思想促进王羲之在书法艺术领域的创新实践。

    And the leisure thought promoted his innovation in calligraphy practice .

  5. 王羲之为维护自身的身心健康和生命质量做出了努力。

    Wang made great efforts to maintain his well-being and life quality .

  6. 李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了“尽善尽美”。

    Li Shimin regarded Wang 's calligraphy work as perfect .

  7. 王羲之是中国历史上著名的书法家。

    Wang Xizhi was a very famous calligrapher in Han Dynesty in China .

  8. 王羲之书法与汉字书写科学

    Chinese Character Writing and Wang Xizhi ′ s Calligraphy

  9. 王羲之&最早污染环境的历史名人

    Wang Xizhi the Earliest Historical Figure Polluted Environment

  10. 有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。

    Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood .

  11. 王羲之是“草书”的鼻祖。

    Wang Xizhi was the grand master and founder of " cao shu " .

  12. ;二是,《兰亭序》的审美风格造成了人们对真实王羲之的误解。

    Second ," Lanting Xu " aesthetic style has raised the real Wang misunderstandings .

  13. 他们两个都是王羲之的崇拜者。

    Both were devotees of Wang Xizhi .

  14. 王羲之无疑是休闲学研究领域中一个值得深入分析研究的重要人物。

    Undoubtedly , as a principal figure in leisure study , Wang Xizhi deserves in-depth research .

  15. 王羲之高超的书法水平。

    Wang Xizhi 's extraordinary calligraphy .

  16. 他是初唐以来第一个敢于公开否定王羲之的人;

    He was the first to say no publicly to Wang Xizhi since the early Tang Dynasty .

  17. 王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断,以后又吸取了各个不同书法派的优点,形成他自己独特的个性。

    Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China .

  18. 略论唐代书学理论关于王羲之书法地位的变迁

    On the Change of Wang Xizhi 's Position in the Theory of Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty

  19. 在书法史上,他是继“二王”(王羲之与王献之)之后成就最高,影响最大的书法家。

    Yan Zhenqing is popularly held as the top calligrapher subsequent to Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi .

  20. 休闲成为王羲之应对人生消极事件、缓解压力、自我恢复的资源。

    Wang took leisure activities as the way to deal with negative things , release pressure and refresh himself .

  21. 王羲之的《兰亭序》有“天下第一行书”之称,历来被视为书法中的极品。

    The preface in wang 's " book ", which is a has been regarded as the best calligraphy .

  22. 不过,王羲之的主要贡献在楷、行和小草。

    However , Wang Xizhi ` s main contribution is regular script , running hand and slightly cursive script .

  23. 其写法之熟练,单叫王羲之来写这一串的号码也未必能够胜出!

    Looking at those words , they are all well-written even the calligrapher Wang Xizhi can not compare with them .

  24. 东晋文学家、大书家王羲之具有强烈的生命意识。

    The man of letter and great calligrapher Wang Xizhi in the East Jin Dynasty had a strong awareness of life .

  25. 在童年时代,王羲之就对书法有浓厚的兴趣,他在练字的时候,往往废寝忘食。

    Even as a child , Wang Xizhi was absorbed in practising his calligraphy that he would often forget to eat .

  26. 王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的巅峰。

    The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi 's calligraphy leads Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modern script .

  27. 奠定其书坛王者地位的佳作《兰亭序》是中国书法形式美的典范,也是王羲之人生品格美的写照。

    His masterpiece-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection holds up a mirror to the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and his moral quality .

  28. 那时活动于南京一带的学者,如王羲之和顾恺之,为中国独特的书法和绘画技艺奠定了基础。

    Nanjing scholars such as Wang Xizhi and Gu Kaizhi were laying the foundations for the unique style of Chinese paintings and calligraphy .

  29. 唐代以后,王羲之披上了至高无上的书圣外衣,卓然成为圣人了。

    Tang Dynasty , Wang put the supremacy of the holy book jacket , the same kind as " saints " of the .

  30. 金代在书法领域也做出了巨大的成就,这个时期也出现了很多的书法家,如王羲之。

    Jin is another dynasty with great achievement in calligraphy . A lot of great calligraphers appeared at this time , including Wang Xizhi .