
Wánɡ xiān qiān
  • Wang Xianqian; scholar, educator and government official;an authority on Ch. classics
  1. 王先谦在湖南近代化过程中的作用

    Wang Xian-qian 's Effect on Hunan 's Modernization

  2. 甚至像王先谦、梁启超这样鼎鼎大名的学者都无法把这场论战喝止。

    Even great scholars like Wang Xianqian and Liang Qichao could not stop the debate .

  3. 王闿运与王先谦在近代史上并称湖南“二王,”他们都与湖南书院改制有非常密切的关系。

    They all bear very close relation to the change of academy system in Hunan Province .

  4. 王先谦的教育思想既有中国传统文化的特色,又明显含有时代的烙印。

    Wang Xian-qian ` s educational thinking not only existed Chinese traditional culture , but also obviously had the time brand .

  5. 王先谦晚年完成了三部外国史地著作:《日本源流考》、《五洲地理志略》、《外国通鉴》。

    Study of the Origin and Development of Japan , Short Records of Geography of Five Continents , and Comprehensive Mirror to Foreign States .

  6. 王先谦系中国近代著名学者、作家、教育家,亦是湖南一师第一任校长及其前身城南书院最后一任山长。

    Wang Xian-qian was a famous scholar , writer , educator , and the first master of Hunan First Normal School as well as a head of South-city Academy .

  7. 本文主要从语源学的角度对汉代刘熙《释名》(以清人王先谦疏证本为依据)进行了考证研究。

    The treatise does textual research of " Shiming " ( based on the commentary of Wang Xian-qian of the Qing Dynasty ) by Liu Xi of the Han Dynasty from the angle of etymology .